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"You know who I am?"

At my question, Jordan chuckled as if finding it hilariously amusing, which on second thought, it might be.

"Who hasn't heard of little miss goody two shoes Liana Harrington?" My heart dropped at his words, I could not decide which one hurt more. The way he spat out my name like it was deathly poison or the way he stared me down with eyes full of mockery.

"So you are the Liana girl?" Black haired guy was the first to break the thick silence that had unknowingly descended upon everyone as they took in this new piece of information.

I had no idea what he meant by that but I certainly did not like the way he emphasised my name, seemingly hidden with secrets shared between them regarding me that I was not a part of.

His words also pulled everyone out of the stupor state they were in since the guys began talking all at once.

"Is she the prude?"

"Damn, I didn't expect her to be this hot."

"I thought prudes aren't supposed to be this hot."

Words were carelessly thrown around like an insignificant paper ball, passed from one person to the next. Unbeknownst to them, another piece of my heart crumbled alongside every single sentence. There would not be much of myself left until I absolutely break down, which could never ever happen, especially infront of these people.

With what little strength I could muster, I grabbed my bag and scampered away.

Far far away.

Away from all the judging eyes, away from all the untrue assumptions, to somewhere I could just be.

I stopped when my legs eventually gave out, stumbling to the floor like a soldier defeated from war. I was a mess, everything around me was a heap of mess.

Even then, at the brink of despair, I would still not allow any tears of defeat to fall. Not now at least, not when watchful eyes could be lurking behind any corner.


In a flash, I was quick to get up on my feet, smoothing out the crinkled edges of my pleated school skirt.

The boy standing infront of me had golden blonde hair as soft as his voice, a hint of concern could also be seen in his eyes, eyes that looked like two sparkling sapphires.

"Yes?" I asked in a clipped tone, taking a step back to put some distance between us.

He held up both of his hands, "Woah, relax, I mean no harm. You left your lunch box on the table so I thought I'd bring it back to you."

I tentatively accepted the lunch box from him whilst trying to subtly analyse his features.

You could tell that he was a guy well liked by everyone, he had this aura that draws people in, like a golden halo surrounding him.

"Thank you.", I whispered. It didn't matter if he was one of those football players with the crude remarks, basic mannerisms have been instilled into me since I was a child.

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