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In an ungraceful manner, I landed sideways on my back, yelping more so from the surprise attack than the pain.

"Just the person I was looking for." A curt and feminine voice remarked, she sounded strangely familiar.

"Shit are you okay? Vee what the heck? You're causing a scene!" Tyler hissed, squatting down next to me and gripping my upper arm firmly to hoist me up.

"Leave her alone Ty, harlot Harrington looks good on the ground." She sneered, a pair of Jimmy Choo came into view as she moved closer.

Tyler ignored her and helped me get up, all the while looking especially apologetic. I wanted to reassure him that it wasn't his fault but the person stood infront of me caught my attention instead; ruler straight bleached blonde hair, her tall figure clad in a tanned Burberry coat cinched with a matching belt at the waist, completed with a Gucci purse hanging off one shoulder.

It was the girl from the party.

She stroded forward purposefully, looking like a menacing cat ready to claw at my face. "You need to Stay. Away. From. Him." She warned, poking hardly at my shoulder with each word.

Instantaneously, I understood who she was referring to. Afterall, he was the one constantly messing my life up.

Before she could retract her finger though, I seized it boldly and flung her arm right back at her. "You're crazy, keep your hands to yourself and your eyes on your boyfriend instead of taking it out on innocent girls."

Vee, whatever her name was, started laughing maniacally, unbothered by the growing crowd surrounding us. At this point, Tyler stepped in, trying to coax her out of this ridiculous situation seeing as it was clearly getting way out of hand.

Obviously, she wasn't budging and as much as I pitied Tyler, I decided it was best to just let him deal with her since they ran in the same circle.

Just as I was about to walk away however, Vee screamed again. "Don't you dare leave you slut! I'm not done yet!"

In a flash, she lunged forward, grabbed my hair and tried to scratch my face whilst screeching incoherently.

I had only witness cat fights in the movies and never imagined that I would be experiencing one myself, it definitely wasn't pleasant to say the least.

Since Vee had the upper hand, there wasn't much I could do except to block my face from her attacks and yell at her to stop. The entire scene was absolutely choatic, with so much going on at the same time that my head became lightheaded from all the violent pulling and loud noises.

Everything around me was a blur and for a moment, I thought it wasn't going to end. Thankfully, I was proven wrong when my hair was finally released and the world stopped spinning.

Tyler immediately rushed to my side to check if I was fine, worriedly looking over the cuts on my face.

"Are you out of your mind?" Jordan yelled.

I glanced up to see he was tightly clutching on to both of Vee's arms, staring at her with fury in his eyes.

"She's the one who is crazy, Jordy!" Vee reasoned, twisting her arms to get him to let go.

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