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It was a sleepless night.

I tossed and turned, and tossed and turned. Yet, I couldn't quite get myself to fall asleep.

My mind kept replaying this particular scene over and over repeatedly, the kiss. My first kiss.

Even now, that moment still felt absolutely surreal to me, like a distant dream far out of my reach.

Subconsciously, I think I might be afraid to go to sleep, for I feared this would all disappear in the morning and I'd only be left with remnants of the ethereal fantasy it once was.

Though, I had to admit that in spite of the both of us having shared such an intimate moment together, I wasn't getting any closer to figuring him out. Especially not with the cryptic messages he had sent me on Sunday morning.

"You should keep your distance from Maxwell."

"What are you talking about?"

"Exactly what I said."

"You can't tell me who I can be friends with, Jordan.

"I wasn't."

"Telling me not to talk to Dustin wasn't?"

"I didn't."

I stared at his reply grimly, even through a flatscreen, he still managed to be just as narky.

Back and forth, back and forth. That was how conversations with him mostly went, all of it ending at a solid dead end.

Now that I think about it, that was just how he had been, right from the very start; his every word and every action, he only gave to the extent where he knew he would be comfortable.

The problem? It was never enough and thus, you would be left trying to guess exactly what he meant and what he wanted from you.

That was where the second problem lie; the same way he gave, he took as he pleased. To him; what his majesty wants, his majesty gets.

"You don't want him getting the wrong idea."

"Me? Giving him the wrong idea?"

"You know I don't like repeating myself twice."

"You know what Jordan, I don't like repeating myself twice either."

"So listen well; bossy asshats (excuse my language) riding on their high horses can quit thinking about stealing any more kisses from me."

"Pesto, wait up!"

Pausing, I stopped and watched as Tyler barreled out of his red Bentley and practically shouldered a few people who got in his way.

I raised a questioning brow at him, taking in his untucked white shirt, the loose tie hanging off his neck and his half zipped backpack with a bunch of papers poking out.

"Rough morning?"

"The worst, I didn't hear my fucking alarm this morning."

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