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"Had an eventful day?" Dustin teased, appearing next to my locker, one hand tucked in his pant pocket.

I grimaced at the thought of what went down yesterday, "The worst."

"And so I've heard...Veronique can be a little...", he paused.

"Insane? Deranged? Psychotic?" I suggested sarcastically.

"In a way yeah...especially when it comes to Jordan." Dustin added.

"What's with them anyway? Are they together or?..." Their relationship was starting to confuse me, Jordan didn't act like they were together yet Veronique was so territorial of him.

"Okay, so they have been friends for a really long time, she's the twin sister of one of the guys in their tight knitted group so all of them have always been close. She's also the only girl Jordan ever hangs around so I guess he has a soft spot for her. But everyone can obviously tell she likes him and Jordan...well...he doesn't date. He just doesn't seem interested in anyone." Dustin explained.

I shook my head, "That still doesn't give her any right to attack me, I had a hard time explaining these cuts to my parents last night." Pointing to the scratches decorating my face.

Dustin stepped closer, bending down to inspect the cuts. "I can't believe she did that, sorry I wasn't there to help." He frowned.

I chuckled lightly, "Its not your fault you're sick, how's the flu by the way?"

"Better now that I'm seeing you." He smiled, taking me by the elbow down the hallway. "Let's get you to class, shall we?"

The first warning bell sounded as we walked side by side, his hand still on my elbow to occasionally manoeuvre me out of someone's path.

Out of the blue, a person obnoxiously barged in between us, knocking both me and Dustin to the side harshly.

"Did he just do that?" I asked, an incredulous expression on my face as we stared after Jordan's sauntering self. He didn't even bother to acknowledge us and just went on as if nothing happened.

This guy had serious issues.

Dustin had a 'what can you do' look and just shrugged, "It's better to not think about it."

"Alright class, today we're going to be studying a new topic. Personality!" Mrs Powell, the Psychology teacher, chirped.

This was my favourite class since I was going to major in Psychology in college, the only downside to it was that broody Jordan was also in the same class.

"To start off, we will first be looking at the history of personality and..." Mrs Powell continued droning on about the subject for a good half of the lesson, until she announced in an excited tone that we would be performing an activity.

"Now, for the fun part of class! I've printed some questions for all of you so just complete them and at the end of it, check your scores to see what range you're in for each of the big 5 personalities." She instructed, distributing sheets of paper to the first table of each row.

"This is only a very brief questionnaire to give you all an insight into how psychologists actually gauge one's personality but if I do say so myself, it is still very much accurate and relevant to some extent." She pointed out.

To give some background information, the big 5 personality traits -Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism- are 5 core dimensions of personality psychologists believed in. Each one represents a continuum between two extreme traits.

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