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"Actually, I came to look for you."


"Tyler told me you'd be in here."

Silence still.

I stared at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something in response.

When he didn't, I unzipped my bag and took some time in retrieving out his varsity jacket, trying to look busy to escape this strained quietness.

"Here." I held out the jacket. "Sorry I didn't return it earlier, it totally slipped my mind."

He looked from me to my outstretched hand and back to me again, his lips were pressed in a thin line but other than that, I couldn't tell from his blank expression what he could possibly be thinking.

Then, he ran a hand through his already tousled locks and stepped further into the room, letting the door swing shut behind him.

"Why now?"

"I told you I had forgotten that-"

"Is this your way of telling me to back off?"

"What? No." I frowned, wondering he had gotten that from.

"So you're saying you want to be around me?" Jordan's gaze was trained on mine as he inched closer.

"No! I didn't mean that, stop reading so much into things. I'm only here to return this to you." I shoved the jacket into his chest, intentionally pushing him farther away. "So that things could go back to normal."

"Back to normal?" He questioned, sounding confused.

"Yes, back to the way things used to be since there wouldn't be any need for us to you know, bother each other anymore." I clarified.

His eyes darkened at my words, "Are you pretending to not know what's going on?"

"I...I really don't." That didn't come out as convincing as I had wanted it to be.

"Maybe I should show you what I meant more clearly this time." He was advancing towards me again whilst simultaneously glancing down at my lips.

My traitorous heart sped up in response and I had to remind myself to remain focus. And breathe.

"I don't think there's a need for's a one time thing and probably wouldn't happen again...right?" I shifted nearer to the door.

"Is that what you think?"

"Yeah...y-you can't go around hugging people as you please. Not me, I won't allow it." I declared firmly, praying the slight shakiness in my voice had gone undetected.

"And what if I want to?" His face was indignant, like a child who didn't want to accept the fact that Santa wasn't real.

I crossed my arms, "There's this thing called respect, Jordan. You can't just treat people like dirt when you feel like it or manhandle me anytime you want to, I'm not a toy you can play around with and discard once you're bored."

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