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If I thought it was crowded earlier, the room felt like it could explode any moment now.

Every inch of my body pressed against someone else's, my bare arms felt sticky with sweat as I was shoved from one place to another.

The worst part was that I was all alone in a room full of unfamiliar people who were eagerly trying to push their way to the front. Dustin informed me earlier he had to be with the other guys and I could tell he felt bad for leaving me, but I reassured him I could handle myself fine and urged him to move along.

In the midst of the chaos, a tiny shot glass was passed to me and I watched as everyone raised their glasses. A guy on the small stage was saying something incomprehensible which had everyone whooping and cheering loudly before downing the shots.

I followed suit, instantly regretting it as the bitter liquid burned down my throat.

When the whole charade was over, the crowd slowly dispersed whilst a band of musicians occupied the stage and began to play a classical tune.

Needing some water to wash off the bitter aftertaste, I headed towards the bar. As I got closer, I spotted a blonde girl and a waiter stood nearby. This usually wouldn't have caught my attention, if not for what I heard the girl said next.

"Are you blind? Or just too stupid to even watch where you're going?"

"I'm so sorry Miss, it wasn't on purpose-"

"Do you know how much these shoes cost? Do you have any idea at all?" She snapped.

Not even giving the poor waiter a chance to answer, she went off again. "How dare you ruin my shoes! Even your entire life's worth of paychecks aren't even enough to cover a quarter of the price!"

The waiter hung his head low, lips trembling as he apologised profusely. Albeit, his sincere words were deafened by the continuous harsh lashing from the blonde.

Unable to watch it any longer, I stomped right over and stood in the middle between the two, effectively silencing the girl.

"Who are you? What do you want?" She asked.

"I could ask you the same question, who gives you the right to be so rude to someone serving you?" I fired back.

This time, she scrutinised me thoughtfully, folding her arms. "Watch your mouth, you have no idea who you're talking to."

"I don't care who you are, it doesn't give you the right to act like that. He has already apologised, move on." I was feeling brave and was ready to put self entitled brats like her back into her place.

"Look-" She took one step forward, a single manicured finger raised midway before she was pulled back by another guy.

"Calm down Vee, don't cause a scene." The guy pushed her away from me, using his body to block her advances.

"Move away Don, this bitch don't know who she's messing with." She spattered.

Her words fuelled my anger, but I remained composed, not wanting her to have any power over me. In a forcefully calm voice, I countered.
"I should be the one telling you that."

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