xi. beauty in nihility.

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[ the state or condition of being nothing. ]

people say their is beauty in sadness.
in the tears that pour from the broken,
the scars that never seem to heal over.

but tell me where the beauty is in
feeling? in this chest, there is only a heart.
in these veins, there is only pain.
organs and wires, but feelings i have
grown numb to.

tell me, if i were to rip open my chest,
would you see something more?

the beauty lies in the nihility.

the nothing, the void that is
created with the absence of
knowledge. you can not be
hurt by what you already

tell me, if i were to skin myself,
would you see something more?

become the emptiness. feel
nothing. be nothing. become

tell me, who would i be,
if i allowed nothing to consume me?

what tomorrow brings.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora