xv. where's april?

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where's waldo: the sad edition. ]

hiding between the hangers in your closet,
under pillow cases that hold more tears than your own eyes,
inside the nectar of flowers,
the roar of crashing waves,
push and pull,
the thin difference of love and violence,
wanting but never the need,
in the words you can't speak.

she plays peek a boo in the night,
if you listen well enough, you'll hear her cries.

she can't find herself,
what makes you think you'll be able to
point her out in a picture full of colorful others,
cats and dogs and rainbow filled umbrellas?

march carries the sun,
more merrier days

when the sky lights blue
much longer.
and june,
she smiles
brings you the hopes

you desire.

april, she's trying
to catch up. running
in slow motion, trapped
in time.

she's grey, dim.
she hopes you can forgive her.

060718 : more art bc im v proud of this
one bc i usually suck at realism but i
actually tried for once + u guys
seemed to like the last one
i added so here's some

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