we take this break to show you that my words aren't only my own.

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inspiration, people wonder where it conjures from.
i have made a list of things that help me continue to
spill these words for you. no matter how you take it,
that's the beauty in poetry. it all meaning different to
different people. you can skip this if you'd like, but i
thought a beautiful pause to appreciate others is what
it sometimes takes to enter the mind of spilled words
that are spoken better from the creator than anyone
else could take in their own hold.

[ founded treasure i believe needs more
than just my own eyes to believe it's existence. ]

daytime shooting star / mixtapes, mimosas, n pretty girls.
if you put the friend bias beside, her writing is incredibly
beautiful. it's refreshing, as if you had caught the stars
for the first time, seeing the moonlight glow and create
shadows that dance to the whistle of the chilly night air.
her writing continues to leave me breathless. and i don't
thank her enough for sharing such a creation with us.
ily, ji. truly and deeply.

such a way with words, this one. a heavy inspiration when
it comes to deeper, artistic poetry. she makes her words
leave such a pressure on your chest, it almost makes you
feel more comforted with this presence whether than
overwhelmed. she pieces her sentences together in such
a way that you feel love, a sensation of safety in between
lines that you don't want to leave, don't want this warm
feeling to ever find an end. you can feel the pain, the hurt,
the loved, the confused, the wanted and not needed.
anna, thank you for everything. for your words, for your
comfort. ily, and i don't think i ever will find myself not.

odd, but in the best way possible. creative, different,
but still stands as one of my favorite writers. not only
for how talented she is in writing, but for holding the
glow of her halo bright and still even with all she has
been through. as the title stands, you will instantly
melt into her words for how easily she speaks across
different matters. mentally, physically, she knows
exactly how to piece her words together.
youngji, you're doing well. thank you for giving me
the inspiration i need when i lack motivation in the
simplest of tasks. ily a lot, but you already know this.

literally all works.
god, wanna talk about easy inspiration. ken has such
a way of making her words seem more effortless than
the beauty of the sun shining through stained glass.
you'll fall in love with one sentence, literally deadass.
one of my easiest listed writer goals. i'll never get over
ken's writing. it's as if you bit into fruit for the first time,
the bitter citrus of an orange causing your tongue to curl
and your mouth to turn sour in the best way possible. the
juicy bite of watermelon, the satisfying crunch of an apple.
ken, imy. i hope all is well. i only wish that the world continues
to treat a beauty like you with comfort and love. ily.

for more finds, if interested, you'll find a collection
of my favorite poetry on this site in my reading list

[ others spill their thoughts, some clean up the mess,
but most leave stains. ]

all his albums and everything in between.
mitch, he was my first inspiration. i found his
spoken word, you said okay, when i was 12.
when my mind and body began to change on
me in ways i didn't understand. he made me
feel something after feeling numb for so long.
his voice is so soothing, his emotion is effortless.
you'll find a lot of his style mixed in with mine. not
in a copycat way, but in a flow that allows me to
show my own hurt with words i think he could use
one day. for example, if you listen to my heart
goes bum, bum, bum while reading hide and
never forget, you'll be able to picture me listening
to that while writing in the back of the car on a long,
late night drive home. he plays a lot on religion, he's
not afraid to show his most vulnerable states. i don't
think i'll ever be able to thank him in person for being
such an inspiration to not only the me now, but the me
who struggled with a lot growing up. mitch has done a
lot, helped me through a lot. i hope one day, i'll be able
to get the message across well and safely.

andrew warner.
a love letter to my best friend.
recently found and forever have fallen in love with.
the type of writing style and flow i hope to one day
have. effortless, but beautiful and to the point. blunt
but still holds so much in each word. i hope one day,
i'll stop writing about sadness and my words of love
will spill as beautiful as this very spoken poem.

dandelion hands.
how to never stop being sad.
a lot like flatsound, but this one hits
hard. especially the last line, "you don't
need other people to drive away your
loneliness, you just needed to find a
way to talk to it." if you find yourself
liking flatsound, i highly recommend
dandelion hands. this is one of my
all time favorites and my poem,
conversations with loneliness is highly
inspired by this spoken word.

[ the ones who cleaned up the mess,
but left a smudge behind. ]

ruby francisco.
when people ask how i'm doing.
" when people ask me how i'm doing, i want to say,
getting out of bed has become a magic trick. i am
probably the worst magician i know. "
scars / to the new boyfriend.
" four. you wanna know how i got these scars?
see i ripped every last piece of you out of my smile. "

neil hilborn.
" i once caught joey in biology class, staring
at a scalpel like he wanted to be the frog,
splayed out, wide open, so honest. "

hotel books.
i always thought i would be okay.
" and the coffee stains in my journal are a
reminder of when i pushed myself into depression.
it's funny how artistic we become when our hearts
are broken. "

alan watts.
falling in love.
" well now really when we go back
into falling in love. and say, it's crazy.
falling. you see? we don't say "rising into
love". there is in it, the idea of the fall. "

[ where poetry is sung instead of bluntly
said and we forget the violins have their
own poems in the soft glide of their strings. ]

i have linked all my poetry books to my playlist
that i listen to when i'm writing anything, but mostly
just poetry. it's music that allows me to connect to
what is buried deep within my soul, to open wounds
that haven't healed in a while. if you are interested,
there is currently over two hundred songs linked in
the external link of any poetry book you click on that
is written by me. but i will list a few artists and their
songs that i've had stuck on repeat in the last few

freya ridings.
fade. (cover).
lost without you.
( all live. much more real,
emotional, and beautiful. )

taylor grey.

david hodges.

gavin james.

amber run.
i found. (slowed).

billie eilish.
lovely. (slowed).

matt maeson.
hallucinogenics. (stripped).

i'm in love with you.

good grief. (slowed
and bass boosted).

dean lewis.
be alright.


leona lewis.
bleeding love.

there's so much more, but those are
recent favorites to listen to when i
need to get in the zone to write out
what you guys read.

will add on if i think of other inspirations
besides these three categories. i hope if
you have gotten this far that you took time
to appreciate the writers above and digested
their words well.

the end is soon to come for what tomorrow
brings. the ending to a third book full of poetry
i am proud of in one way or another. again, thank
you so much for all the support. i would be nothing
without you guys.

as this book comes to the end, you know i'm not
good at goodbyes. soon, on this day, and what
tomorrow brings has become close and dear to
my heart and i hope you all have enjoyed it as

what do you guys think the next book in the
series will be called? i'll be interested to see
what you guys come up with.

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