xxx. stuck in times that are far gone.

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i know this won't last
as if we are rotting teeth in the back of our mouths
and sunshine being suffocated behind grey clouds.
we will evaporate like the fog that lays still on the lake
that splits this town in half.

we will be forgotten memories,
fits of laughter faded over time,
once blossomed gardens covered
in a blanket of snow.
we are lost lashes that we blow
while making a wish
with fingers crossed behind hollow backs,
a shooting star stretching across a clear night sky.
we will one day be nothing but memories in stand still
pictures that once hung loose from the ceiling but now
are hidden in a box behind the dresser in the closet.

and i'll continue to wait for you,
linger on these forgotten moments as if they were
cemented into the lines of my palms,
the same way your freckles continue to kiss your face.

i'll continue to see your shadow dancing in the hallways,
hear your voice in the morning singing from a shower not running.
we've built more than just an us between these walls.
how did you so easily forget?

but just like this heartache
that you've left me with,
i know this won't last.
it's jumping over this pit
of broken promises
of staying forever,
never leaving one behind.
i'll get over this puddle eventually.
the sun will appear from behind the clouds one day,
i'll have a new shadow to play with,
new memories to hang from the ceiling.
you'll linger, but it won't be as painful.

or at least, i hope.
wish on bright stars,
blow on loose lashes,
fingers turning numb from tight holds
behind my back,
repeating until i am convinced,
letting the words consume me,
repeating, knowing
this won't last.

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