A Failed Attempt

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"Everyone up! Gunnar has sent us on a trip to a nearby island in order to catch the humans some more dragons! We leave immediately!" I heard FireFang shout throughout the cave. I opened my eyes and saw the other Singetails lazily getting up. I followed the pack outside the cave where the sun was only just rising. The still half asleep pack managed to get up in the air and follow our terrible leader out across the ocean. We flew for most of the day and went around in circles at least five times. Finally FireFang got his act together and led us to the correct island. I looked up at the sky and realised it was getting close to sunset, which meant me and Fireball had to sneak away to meet Kai soon, very soon, meaning now!

We landed on the green grass of the island and waited for FireFang to give out instructions. FireFang split the pack into four groups then said "Okay, you lot that the North side, you can take the West side, all of you take the East side, and that group take the North side, I mean South side! Just grab as many dragons as you can and bring them to me." I jumped into the air and caught up with Fireball. "We need to go" I told him. "We will" Fireball replied. "Like now! Kai will be waiting" I continued. "We can't just leave, they will see us!" Fireball snapped. "Just follow my lead and you'll be fine!" I snapped back as I swerved left. I spotted a large cliff in the center of the island and dashed towards it. I lifted my tail and swung it over my body, as I did so I let a fireball fly from it. The fireball struck the cliff and immediately I fired another shot at it. There were a couple seconds of silence, then huge chunks of rock started falling everywhere. I swiftly dived down to dodge a falling rock and made my way towards the open ocean. Suddenly a huge bolder, that came out of nowhere, flew towards me and Fireball. I dodged left and turned into a tight tunnel. Fireball swerved right and had a clear path off of the island. I made my way through the small tunnel, but Singetails are large, wide dragons which didn't make it easy. I approached a sharp turn and quickly shifted into a Night Fury. I made the turn and made it out the tunnel quickly.

Once outside the tunnel I could see Fireball just leaving the island. I shifted back into a Singetail and sped towards him. I reached him and we both flapped our wings to pick up more speed and get away. "Hey, they're escaping!" Yelled a voice from behind us. I heard the powerful wingbeat of the Titan Wing Singetail approach quickly and soon he was right beside us. "What are you two doing?" FireFang snarled. "Escaping!" Fireball growled back. "I don't think so!" FireFang said as he knocked into Fireball who fell down below. Then he grabbed my wing and dived down after Fireball. We landed on a small pile of rocks surrounded by ocean. I looked up and saw the rest of the pack hovering over us. "First you ruin our hunt for dragons and now you try to escape?!" A yellow Singetail from the pack growled at us. "This is your last warning!" FireFang snapped. I looked over at Fireball, but to my surprise he crawled over to the pack and bowed down to FireFang. "I'm so sorry sir, I'll never do it again, I promise sir!" Fireball said in a shaky voice. "Alright" FireFang grunted. "What are you doing?!" I asked Fireball. How could he just give up that easily? We were so close to getting away! "He's my leader, I must obey. And I suggest you do the same" Fireball said nervously. "Yes, listen to your friend, if you can even call him that!" FireFang told me. "No! I challenge you to a fight! If I win both me and Fireball go free and if you win, we stay" I growled. I wasn't going to give up easily! "Alright, deal!" FireFang said as he leapt forwards. A yellow Singetail landed by FireFang who turned and growled "no! This is between me and JadeScale." The yellow Singetail nodded and lifted into the air again.

I leapt into the air as a fireball hit the ground where I had been standing. I flew high up then dived down, swooped past FireFang and shot a fireball at him from my tail. I turned around just in time to see the fireball hit his red scales. FireFang growled and flew after me. I realised that if I was sneaky enough, I could use my shifting ability to help me. I dived into the water and shifted into a Scoldren, a Tidal Class dragon. I could see the figure of FireFang hovering above the surface as he waited. I swam to the perfect spot then shifted back into a Singetail, burst out of the water and blasted him with a fireball. FireFang growled and dashed after me. I flew higher up, but FireFang picked up speed. Suddenly I was bashed into. My wings let up and I fell downwards. I saw FireFang dive after me. Once close enough, my leader stopped in midair with his belly over me and blasted a fireball through the gills in his belly. The fireball sent me falling faster and I hit the rocks with a thud.

I opened my eyes and saw the pack of Singetails peering at me through smoke. FireFang landed next to me and huffed "you lost!" I carefully got up and lowered my head. "JadeScale, you had no reason to rebel like that! I let you into my pack, gave you the highest position of second in command and still you're not happy. You chose to fight me and you lost, so JadeScale, you are now the runt of the pack!" FireFang said as he puffed some smoke in my face. I growled to myself, but managed to mutter "yes sir."

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