Chapter 50

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I wanted to give her a surprise today. I know I know I've surprised her a lot but I can't help it but surprise her more and more and every single day.

This surprise is special cos I've been planning it for a while now without her knowledge.

I had prepared this beautiful rooftop of the hotel just to see her smile.She deserves it every step of the way.

Also she's so hilarious as she keeps making me laugh.She's so cute.

I know I should've waited and taken the elevator afterwards but I didn't wanna keep her waiting.I wanted her to see what I had planned I couldn't wait.

I carried her and it was worth it cos I got to see that beautiful smile on her lips that made my heart sink and also coupled with her telling me she loves me . I'm so happy but I can't wait for her to see the next surprise.


I shoulda thought of this.Now she's cold and I can't give her my jacket cos she'll see the surprise.

As i was about to take out what was in my jacket to hide it from her.I didn't expect her to do this but she pounced on me and took the jacket after tickling

She's now a clear distance away as I can see her hands in the jacket pocket.

She removes the little box that was in it but I didn't give her a second to look at it as I took it away from her swiftly.

"What's that ?"

"Nothing it's my wallet" I said as I put it into my pocket.

"Is that how your wallet looks... it's weird.By the way why were you so freaked out about me seeing it."she punched my arm a little.

I showed it to her.Actually I switched my wallet  with it immediateky cos t looked like my wallet.

An engagement ring ~

Yeah yeah you all guessed right it's an engagement ring... OK I'll get my author ass outta here...

I ordered for an engagement box that was flat enough to fit in my's a unique one tho.You know with money I could easily get it.Ive been hiding it from her for a week  now and she almost ruined her own surprise. She's just crazy that way.

She suddenly hugged me.

"I'm sorry for taking your jacket... you must be cold too"

She held me  tight from the side trying to cover me up with the jacket.Shes so cute.I give out a smile as she looked up to me and I gave her a kiss.

I was kinda suspicious of that stuff in his pocket until I saw was just his wallet.

We walked around the hotel vicinity to some really dark area.It was something like an garden tho bit it was dark.

I was walking side by side with him and wasn't hugging him anymore.

"Babe let's go back in... it's really dark here."I said but no answer so I turned around and then I...

I didn't see jungkook there anymore.He was right beside me just some seconds ago.

"Jungkook...kook ?... baby ?... where are you. ?"

I started looking around as it was so dark.Actuallu this place was extra dark and I couldn't take it.i hate dark places.i was fine once I was with him but what can I do now.i can't find him I'm scared.

"Babe are you trying to revenge on me for taking your jacket?... you can have it backkk"

I said but the area was so quiet that I could  only hear my own voice echoing back to me.

"Where are youuu..?."

My heartbeat started quickening it's steps and I found myself lost.The area was so dark I couldn't find my way anymore.i was lost.

"Baby please come out OK... I'll be good to you.i won't be as crazy anymore... I'm sorry"

Did he get dragged into the darkness by someone ?Is someone doing this to us ?I can't bear it if he gets harmed.

I suddenly felt someone drag my hand.i tried letting go but I couldn't and then I heard jungkook's voice.



Suddenly lights came on him only and omg he was standing a clear distance right in front of me.i felt so overjoyed seeing him.My heart skipped a bit.i'd never been so happy to see him.

I started off to run towards him I suddenly stopped as light filled the whole place.

The place was beautifullll...The lights glowed so muchhh and I saw beauty.This is the most beautiful scene ever.Well it was way more amazing than the one I saw hours ago.

There was a path of roses from me to him.i walked on them slowly as I saw him smile and then I ran off to him falling on him with a big hug.He hugged and kissed me.

I heard music playing suddenly and then there was an orchestra light shone on suddenly.i was so surprised.

"Kook what's all this for ?"I asked twirling around with a huge smile feeling the roses fall on me.

"For you..."

I turned and I saw him on his knees.i paused where I stood. I almost couldn't breathe.

And then he said.

"Will you be my savage queen for all eternity?"he held up a ring from a box and smiled at me.

I froze.

This was like the most perfect proposal ever. I wanted to scream yessss but I was literally frozen.

Well guys... well ?
You guys guessed the engagement ring part rightly lmao.i wish I could hide it and surprise y'all... I'm not good at that smh.

Well I need your comments all up in this bitch.Please tell me your feelings about this chapter.

What do you feel right now peaches ?

Are you excited for the next chapter  ?

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