Chapter 9 Relapse

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The smell of bacon and eggs roused me from my slumber. I had surprisingly slept much better than had thought I would, a dreamless sleep. I slowly sat up, using pillows to support myself.

"You look better." Mr. O'Sullivan remarked as he approached.

"I feel it." I yawned, covering my mouth shyly.

"I bought you some real food. I figured you'd want something better than what they serve at the cafeteria." He handed me a plate and cutlery. "It wasn't much better back in my day." He chuckled.

"Probably same recipes."

"Same cook. She has been working since this place was founded." He joked.

"She does seem rather old." I almost moaned at the quality of the bacon and eggs. We fell into silence as the conversation grinded to a halt so I decided to talk about something else. "Who is this friend of yours that's coming?"

"Anna Murphy, she's an old colleague from London, she's a psychiatrist."

I paused my eating. "Are you saying I'm crazy?"

"No, not at all." He was quick to defend himself. "I just think it's a good place to start, your mother agreed with me."

"Better look out, I could end up being a murderous psychopath."

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't afraid of you." He grinned despite his serious tone.

There was a knock on the door and he jumped up, smoothing out his shirt before opening the door.

"Riley!" A woman with long dark arms leapt at Mr. O'Sullivan, capturing him in a strong hug. "It's been too long."

"I know, it's good to see you too Anna." He patted her back before she released her hold on him. "I'd like you to meet Isla. Isla, this is Anna." He introduced us.

I gave her a little wave.

"It's so nice to meet you." She shook my hand. "Before I start hounding you, I'll give you a chance to freshen up."

Did I really look that horrible? I probably smelt and looked like filth, having skipped a shower and the brushing of my teeth. I left the room, taking a long shower, washing my hair thoroughly and brushing my teeth four times. I pulled on a pair of jeans and my favourite emerald green sweater, tying my dripping hair into a bun on top of my head.

I padded my way back downstairs in Ugg boots. The bell had not long gone and people rushed back and forth, I ignored their stairs as I made my way back to Mr. O'Sullivan's office.

I took a seat on the leather couch within. His office really was extravagant in the way of furniture.

"Are you sixteen?" Anna asked from the matching seat across from me.

"Fifteen, I'm turning sixteen in a couple of months."

"How would say school has been so far?"

"Good. Pretty average really."

"And is it different this year?"

I chuckled. "It's-it's so different. It's like I stepped into another universe."

"How would you describe this universe?"

"One where everyone keeps secrets from me."

"Who keeps secrets from you?"

"My friends. I ask, and I ask, but I never get anywhere. I just end up with more questions." I rubbed my temple.

"It's quite common for friendships to be tested during high school, but it's how life is."

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