Chapter 22 Distracted

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I bounced my knee, rubbing my head as if to squeeze the answers out as I tried to focus on the test before me. It was cruel, knowing that somewhere in your brain was the answer but it didn't want to give it to you. Why wasn't my brain working? I didn't think my brain was too overloaded to focus. So what was wrong with me?

I looked up at the clock, the ticking sounding like a drum thrumming against my skull. I returned my eyes to my test; the numbers and letters jumbled themselves all over the page, making my eyes hurt from concentrating too hard.

I was only halfway through, and I still had the short answer questions to go.

I glanced at April to see she had finished early. She always finished early. She sent me a questioning look as she could tell I was struggling.

I looked back to the clock to see I had five minutes. God had it out for me. I circled some random answers, writing down whatever I could think of for the short answers as the bell rung. I got up, handing up my test at the front of the classroom as I headed out.

"You looked distracted." April said as we walked.

"Distracted is an understatement." I replied.

"Someone on your mind?"

"My brain just felt so fuzzy." I shook my head.

"Like you were in another world?"

I mulled over her words. I knew I crossed worlds in my dreams but what about my mind? Maybe I was just overthinking things, I thought to myself.

"Maybe singing will make you feel better."


"Choir practice." April unlocked her locker. "Wow, you really are out of it."

"It completely slipped my mind." I unlocked my own locker; surprised I could remember the combination.

After putting our books away April and I joined with Charlotte for our first choir practice.

"We have very little time to prepare for the Highland Games." Mr. O'Neill addressed all twelve of us in the music room. "So I suggest you all practice during your own time as well. Speaking of practicing, I was thinking that you should decide the song this year." He smiled, very enthused about our trip. "I know in the past in competitions we haven't done to well, I'm not blaming you, I'm blaming the songs. So, I'd like each of you to write down your suggestions and we'll take a vote, but you can not vote for your own." He explained.

We all formed a line to write the names of our chosen song on the blackboard. I wrote down Young and Beautiful.

"Interesting." April remarked from behind me.

I sent her a look before stepping back from the board. April wrote Hotter Than Hell, in sweeping letters beneath mine.

"Okay, now we vote." We all picked up a piece of chalk. I thought about my choice, my gaze sweeping over the songs. I drew a dash beneath Shape of You.

"We have our top three songs, two we will sing in later competitions and one will be sung at the Highland Games. Hands up if you want to sing Young and Beautiful at the Games." I kept my hand down as three people raised their hands. "Castle on the Hill." I raised my hand despite April's heated glare, along with six other people. "We have a winner." He printed off the lyrics and we spent the remainder of the lesson practicing.

I finished the day in Riley's office. Earning a smile and a kiss when I entered.

"How was your day?" He asked.

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