Parties can get wierd

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Underaged drinking, and some fluff towards the end. Have fun!

Liz had invited Peter and Ned to her party that was suppose to start at 8.
Peter, being the person he is, agreed to go. Peter wasn't really excited about the event, but Ned on the other hand was bouncing off the walls ecstatic.

Well, peter couldn't blame him. He wasn't popular because Peter brought him down.
Ned had tried to reassure Peter by saying "he wasn't about that life,"
But in times like this Peter couldn't help but feel bad and like a burden.

When the party was brought up to aunt May when he got home she was just as happy as Ned,
"Awee, my baby boy is all grown up! I'm so proud!"
Peter internally cringed,
"What time does it start?"
She asked as she put away the dry dishes, peter nervously glanced up at her.
"Agh! Later the merrier,"
Peter narrowed his eyes in confusion, but decided just to ignore her comment all together.
"So I'll drop you and Ned off at Liz's at 7:45? Does that sound alright?"
Peter nodded and quickly texted the plans to Ned, Peter just really wasn't excited about this as much as Ned was.
Peter and Ned closed the car doors, after thanking May, and walked towards the door of the huge house. Disco lights seeped through the cracks of the door.
"Is Liz's parents even here?" Peter asked nervously turning to Ned,
"If not, that would be awesome!" Replied Ned bouncing on his feet.

Peter sighed,
"Do we knock or do we just go in-"
The door swung open and Liz stood in the doorway wearing a dress that was way too short for Peters comfort.

"Hey guys! I'm so happy you could make it!" She cheered flashing The duo a great big smile.

"Me too!" Ned said looking past Liz,

She side stepped and held out her hand beckoning the duo to come in, without hesitation Ned bounced in. But Peter stayed behind a few seconds, but still walked in.

The party looked like what you'd expect an rich teenage party would look like.

A DJ behind a large group of dancing teenagers, some were dancing quite inappropriately. There was a bar that held many intoxicated boys and girls, and a great pool just outside the house.
And what topped the whole thing off was the soft moans that could be heard from the ceilings without Peters enhanced hearing. But since Peters senses were turned up to 11 he could hear the whole ordeal, and he couldn't help but blush and squirm uncomfortably.

Ned had bounced immediately to the bar were he got both him and Peter a drink.

Peter muttered a thanks to him as the drink was handed off to him, lifting the drink to his mouth he took a long drink.

Saying the drink was awful would be an understatement. Peter scrunched up his face and spit the drink back into the cup and then sat in on a table not to far away from him.

"Ned what was that?" He asked,

Ned drank the drink happily and answered not even looking at peter.

"Ned, that was not sprite." Peter replied snatching the drink from Ned's hands.

"Hey! Give that back!" He Shouted shooting his hand back at the cup, witch Peter held out of his distance.

"Ned this is vodka! We aren't allowed to drink yet! We are only fifteen-"

"Well then, fine take it. Way to be a party pooper," whined Ned, folding his arms and pouting.

Peter rolled his eyes and took both the drinks and poured them out in the sink.

"Can't handle a little vodka penis?" Laughed a voice behind Peter.

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