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A scene from iron man written a bit differently,
**Trigger warning**
Anxiety attacks!
Tony stared at the papers that sat in front of him, his eyes unfocused and his thoughts to far away from the task in front of him.
Even the noises from the restaurant around him couldn't penetrate his dreamy thoughts.
He dreamed of being anywhere but where he was at this exact moment.
Busy and tired, he lived off the caffeine the love of his life made.
But Thor had 'accidentally' placed his hammer in the coffee machine, making it useless and Tony very upset.

So now, here he was. Stressing over a couple pieces of paper.

"Hello?" A small voice piped beside him.
Tony gave a start and turned towards the voice defenses up.
The voice turned out to be a child who looked no older then 5, he sported an iron man jacket with black jeans and his blonde hair swayed as he backed away from him.
"I'm sorry Mr.ironman sir," he whispered clutching his hands to his chest his big blue,wavering, eyes met the tired brown ones.
Tony smiled down at him, his shoulders sagging in relief.
"Don't worry about it," Tony reassured giving him a pat on the shoulder.
"What's your name?" Tony asked, taking his hand off the kids shoulder.
The child's face immediately lit up, he bounced on the balls of his feet, eyes dancing with excitement.
A feeling of warmth lit up in Tony chests.
"That's a great name, my name is Tony Stark."
He stuck out his hand to the child who eyed it in awe.
Carefully Leo accepted his hand and shook it vigorously.
"I know! I watch you on the news!"
Tony smiled and nodded.
" how old are you Leo?" He questioned,

Leo held up six fingers after carefully counting them.
Tony chuckled,
"You wanna know how old I am?"

"Sixty-five!" Leo interjected

Momentarily shocked, Tony stared at Leo.
Clearing his throat Tony suddenly felt very self-conscious.
"Pretty damn close bud," Tony recovered after Leo starting squirming under his stare.
Leo flashed him a great smile, he was missing a couple teeth but it still made Tony's day.
"Is there anything else you want to ask me?" Tony asked
Leo suddenly became very shy. His out-stretched hands fled to his chest. Twirling his thumbs for a couple seconds Leo fumbled around in his iron man jacket pocket and sheepishly held out a folded piece of paper.
"Can you, um. Sign this?"

Tony looked at the piece of paper than at Leo's reddening face. Tony threw on his camera smile and grabbed at the paper
"Sure bud,"
He unfolded the paper, his smile still plastered on his face.
The paper turned out to be a drawing of tony in his Ironman suit
(surprise, surprise)
Holding a missile and going through a portal.
Not a portal.
The worm whole...
Tony's chest suddenly seized up. His lungs seemed to have failed him, his eyes stared down at the iron man figure as his mind unwantingly flee back to that exact moment.

"Tony, that's a one way ticket." reminded Cap, his voice laced with worry.
"I know."

"Mr.Ironman sir?" Leo cautiously turned his head so he could see Tony's sweat covered face.
Leo whimpered,

"Jarvis call pepper,"
Ringing, no answer.
"Ms.Potts seems to be busy,"

"Mr.ironman sir," Leo asked again, tears sprinting to his eyes.

Light to dark,
Warm to cold,
He let go out the missile and watched as it collided with the incoming alien ship.
The feeling of Triumph only lasted a few minutes before it was replaced with fear,
He won't make it out,
Black dots slowly clouded his vision as he gently floated downwards,
It was getting cold, to cold,
And he was oh so tired,
Stay awake Stark!

"Mr. Ironman sir?" Leo whimpered again, gaining attention from many guests around them.
Leo reached to grab Tony's jacket and as soon as he made contact Tony jumped in his seat, turning towards Leo clutching the reactor on his chest.

Leo whimpered and back away.
For a moment all that could be heard in the restaurant was Tony's hard pants. Without any hesitation Tony sprang from his seat leaving his papers on the table.

His shoes clapped at the side walk, his breaths slowing down but his head was still foggy and his chest was still uncomfortably tight.

Ignoring the concerned stares Tony opened up his suit and climbed in it,
"Friday, call Rhodey,"
"Calling Colonel Rhodes."
After a few rings an annoyed voice took over the suit.
"Tony I'm busy, what do you need?"
Tony responded in panting breaths,
"Tony, are you ok?" Asked Rhodey concern showing,
"I'm fine, I-I need you to come down the the 8th street diner and pick up my papers and get the address of a blonde head child named Leo."

"What! Tony I can't, I'm busy-"
"Rhodey, I-I'm kinda unfit t-to,um, go the moment."

"Are you drunk?"

Tony shook his head,
"No. No, no. Please Colonel. A kid asked for my signature-"

"Ok I'll be there in ten minutes, go back to pepper and let her take care of you."

"Thank you," Tony responded gratefully, Rhodey hung up and Tony gathered enough strength to fly to the tower in which Pepper babied him as soon as she noticed something was wrong.

But hey he wasn't complaining

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