Who are you?

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Not a sad story this time:)

Please don't correct my grammar and spelling errors. I know there is some in there and I'll check through a couple more times, after publishing this chapter, for some to fix.

As Peter rose up the elevator in the grand stark tower, he pressed his earbuds in and hummed the tune of the song, tapping his fingers to the beat on the cool metal railing. It was just another normal day,

he had gotten an A on his AP chemistry quiz he had been cramming for ,about a week now, and now he had planned to meet up with Mr.Stark in his lab to upgrade the iron-Spider, the iron-Man suit, and to tinker with a few things around the lab.

So yeah, just another normal day in Peter's basic life as a teenager.

He loosened the straps on his backpack, his shoulders ached and Peter could feel a knot starting to form, and tucked his phone into his pocket. He glanced at the numbers on the small red screen as they increased slowly, indicating what floor he is currently passing.

Which was level 46, he still had a small bit before reaching level 93, probably only like three to four minutes, Mr.Stark had increased the speed of the elevators when Peter complained to him about how long it took for him to get up.

Peter would be forever grateful, he know didn't have to wait twenty minutes to arrive at Tony's penthouse.

The elevator pinged, signaling his arrival and Peter couldn't help a smile as it fell on Peter's lips, he bounced in place waiting for the doors to open. Peter was practically buzzing with excitement, nothing could ruin this day.

But as the doors slid open Peter had found his mouth falling open to the sight in front of him.

Three people sat in Mr.Starks living space, two Peter noticed to be rogue avengers, looking just as shocked as Peter felt. The room fell so silent that they could hear the songs playing in peters earbuds. He quickly pulled out his phone to stop his music, and pulled them out to stare more openly.

"Ugh, who is this kid?" a dark skinned man Peter remembered fighting at the airport asked, Peter didn't ever figure out his name. He did remember him having these wings of a sort, he could just refer to him as such until he asks Mr. Stark.

There was no way he was gonna ask the man upfront, imagine the embarrassment.

Peter stared at him and the other occupants in the room, Mr.Stark had mentioned something about pardoning the rogue avengers, but he hadn't updated him on the subject since the last time they talked about it, which was about a month or two ago, and Peter was too nervous to ask.

Peter could feel some childlike excitement bubble up in his stomach, and it only increased when freaking captain America decided it was time to break the silence.

"Hello son, I think you're in the wrong place."

Peter was too caught up with the fact that the avengers were sitting in front of him, to point out that you cannot show up in Mr.Starks penthouse on "accident"

But Natasha, The black widow, seemed to pick up on that fact, Peter could feel her eyes scanning him, reading him like an open book.

"Who are you," she asked bluntly.

Peter sputtered for a response for a second, feeling all the eyes of the three superhero's trained on him. He sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves, before answering.

"I'm, ugh, Mr.Starks personal intern."

"An intern that has access to Tony's penthouse?" Natasha pressed.

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