Cuts 3

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When Peter stepped into his living room, bed head and all, rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes he expected to see May sitting on couch, hands cupped around a mug of coffee that was held inches from her face.

Not her and Tony sitting on the opposite ends of the couch, drinking tea with their heads ducked in a gloomy sort of way.

Peters first instinct, when seeing Tony, was sprint to his room to escape the conversations of the...problem.

But one glance at Mays slouched figure told him that it wasn't a good idea.

Peter wasn't able to make a decision on what to do before Tony's head turned backwards, eyes widening when seeing the teen.

Peter couldn't help but notice the bags under Tony's eyes, the small crease in between his eyebrows, and his tired posture.

Tony looked like a train wreck and the look Tony was giving Peter told him that he looked worse.

Unable to get his mouth to form any words to say, he merely stared at Tony in shock, and in fear.

Tony was the first one to break the silence.

"Well good morning to you,"

Mays head snapped around, and Peter fiddled with the bottom of his shirt. Moving his gaze from both of his parental figures and onto the ground.

"Morning," he whispered back, anxiety clawing at his stomach.

He needed to get out-

"Are you okay Peter?" May Asked, standing up from her spot on the couch, setting her tea down on the coffee table while making her way to Peter.

Flustered, Peter didn't even have enough time to look up before his face was squished into between two very soft hands.

"May- Stop, I'm fine- May-"

Tony remained on the couch, watching the duo curiously.

Suddenly, one of the hands from Peters cheeks was pressed hard onto his forehead.

"Are you feeling hot? You don't feel hot,"

Peter grabbed Mays wrist and pushed them away from his face.

"May please, I'm fine."

May inspected peter, her face contorted in worry before dropping her hands to her sides, sighing deeply she gestured to Tony behind her.

"That is why he is here, he had noticed also that something is going on."

Peter stared at Tony, his eyes screaming an unanswered question.

Did you tell her?

The man slowly shook his head, he lifted a hand towards May saying,

You will

And Peter froze. He wasn't sure if he'd rather have Mr.Stark tell her or him. But what he did know for sure is that he didn't want to tell her at all. Period.

But that wasn't going to happen.

Ugh, stupid Parker! What how do you keep finding yourself in these messes.

Peter turned his gaze to May, his mind made up, reluctantly, but he made up his mind.

"May, ugh, I have something to tell you."

May nodded, the corners of her mouth twitching down. He spared a glance back at Mr.Stark, his facial expression showing nothing but curiosity and concern.

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