More than ok

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Peter closed his eyes, breathing in the cool wind that gently brushed past his face. His brown curls ruffling ever-so-slightly as he clutched the edge of the building he sat on.

The weight of his responsibility's sitting heavily on his shoulders as he swung his feet over the building out of everyone's sight. the coldness of the night biting at his face as his discarded mask lay feet away from him after being tore off in haste for air.

Peter wasn't sad, but he wasn't happy either, He sort of was just there. He was there, even when he wished he wasn't. Peters eyes fluttered open, drinking in the city's view, the street lights more like stars to him than the actual stars above him, past the thick cloud of pollution and smoke.

Peter breathed deeply, his grip relaxing on the cement.

Mr.Stark had suggested that he take a break, from school and from Spider-man.

"Take a break to gather yourself again,"
We're his exact words actually, peter couldn't hold back his snort.

He didn't need a break, he was doing fine. His grades weren't the best but they were fine, patrolling was starting to become easy again.

He didn't space out during a fight and get stabbed this time.

He was doing better.


Peter shook his head, no, he's doing fine mentally also. He was starting to enjoy his old hobbies again. Such as, band, building LEGO's, tinkering in the lab.

Everything's getting better, Peter thought to himself.

Peter could feel his body relax at his own comforting words. A smile rugged at the corners of his lips as he watched the people below, they were getting better too.

There were more kids at the park today, more people driving down the streets of queens.

The city was getting better also, and nothing made peter happier.

The normal spark of happiness returned to his eyes as did the spring in his step.

Peter snatched his mask from beside it and tugged it on. Greeting Karen quickly, he jumped off the building. Enjoying as the wind hit his body, enjoying how his stomach flipped with excitement.

He reached out his hand to the nearest building shooting webs out, swinging his away from the ground and throwing him in the air once again.

Peter could hear people cheer and whoop from below him.

He let out a bark of laughter as he did a flip past the children park.

Everything seemed to be back to normal once again.

And Peter was more than ok with that.

I don't have much to say, does anyone know what dreame is? Someone was texting me about it and I was wondering if any of you have been contacted by the same person.

That's all I believe, you know the drill. Bye bitches!

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