Shot of the menace

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No amount of pain would top what Peter was feeling at this very moment.

The pain was searing and burning, it made peter want to scream until his throat was raw.

Peter laid on top of a roof somewhere gasping and clutching at he side in desperation feeling the warm sticky substance slip between his fingers.

He had been shot, and the person who had done it was long gone by this time.

And Peter was pissed,

How did he let this happen? And this hurt like shit,

Peter clenched his teeth together hard as Karen spoke softly in the background,

"You have obtained a gun wound on your life side, it has also seemed to grazed your liver. You need medical assistance immediately, would you like me to call Mr.Stark or the closest hospital?"

Peter let out a strained groan, his head titled upward and his back arched and his eyes squeezed shut.

Well he would rather not call Mr.Stark, he would be livid. But Peter's desperation hadn't dipped so far that he would go to a local hospital.

They also wouldn't have the medical supplies and substances that he needed.

Peter let out a breathy, but pained, laugh.

"Calling Mr.Stark,"

Peter guesses he took to long to answer, so the A.I chose for him.

As Karen dialed him, Peter nodded.
"Yeah, yeah. Do that."

And as Peter expected, though a part of him hoped that he didn't, Mr.Stark pick up,

"Peter are you aware that it's 12am, and past your bedtime?"

Peter shifted and held back a groan that nearly escaped his lips as his lower torso seated with pain.

"Ugh, Mr.Stark, I'm in a little bit of a situation," Peter gasped out,

"Are you ok?"

Peter nodded to himself before realizing that Mr.Stark cannot see him.

"Yeah, yeah I'm-"

"He has been shot on his left side, the bullet grazed his liver and he is need of immediate medical assistance. If not, the results may be fatal."  Karen rudely interrupted

A surge of embarrassment spiked through Peter, he could hear Mr.Stark assemble his armor.

"It's not as big of a deal as Karen is making it I swear, I am fine,"

"Kid, just shut up. Actually don't, heard that's bad. I'm coming to get you. FRIDAY, track spider-baby."

Peter pressed his lips. Not daring to move one inch in fear of the pain that was bound to follow.

The blood flow has not lessened in the amount of time he was talking to his mentor, and Peter acknowledged that he was in fact getting a bit drowsy. His mind was fuzzy and it was getting harder and harder to concentrate.


The teen jerked at the sudden loud voice,

"Keep talking to me bud, can't have you fallen asleep just yet,"


"Not buts, tell me about school."

Peter tried and failed on focusing on Mr.Starks voice, though the pain in his side seemed to lessen a bit. But peter couldn't decide if that was a good or bad thing just yet.

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