"What makes you special?"

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⚠️Vague descriptions of injuries⚠️
~Click out if that will trigger you. Protect yourselves~

•~•If any of you people are looking for an artist that sings calmer types of music, Annapantsu is an amazing singer, you can download music from Apple, Spotify, or subscribe to her on YouTube!•~•

Please forgive me if you see any grammar/spelling mistakes, I tried to find and fix them all.


The sound of thick blood dripping off of Peter's nose and hitting the floor was the only thing that could be heard, besides the occasionally shuffle of chains whenever a position that the teen sat in became too uncomfortable.

They had been kidnapped, taken, whatever the fuck you'd like to call it, it happened to him and Tony. The last thing he could remember before darkness was walking home from school, hoping to grab his suit from his house, where he'd accidentally forgot it, before going on patrol.

But obviously he didn't make it far, he think he blacked out before he had even reached the subway, when he cut through the regular alley by the bank.

Then he woke up here, Tony tied beside him but in a chair, his face contorted in worry and fear as he stared down at Peter begging him to look at him.

Then the guys came,

They wanted Tony to make a bomb.

Tony didn't want to make a bomb, and this is where Peter came in.

Whenever Tony argued, talked back, or refused to do any work, the punishment always went to Peter.

Which Peter isn't too upset about, he'd rather take the punishment rather than it be Tony, but that also meant that Tony would comply, not wanting peter to cause anymore pain to him.

But there were times when Tony "slipped up," and the captures didn't ever hesitant to show him that he did.

Whether it was beating him, electrocuting him, or even starving him. All in front of Tony to be sure he sees the result of it.

The pain in Tony's eyes always seemed to hurt more than whatever the captures spit up at him. Peter would do anything to take it all away, to make it stop so Tony and him to could live on happily.

But he couldn't, and nothing ever seemed to frustrate him more than his own weakness.

Peter's body fell forward, the only thing stopping him from hitting the floor was the chains that were locked tightly around his wrists.

Regular metal chains, if he may add. But ever since peter had awoken the first night, he has felt unnecessarily weak. As if his spider side had been tampered with some drug, maybe that's the funny taste in the water.

But wouldn't his senses warn him of that before hand?

Hell if Peter knew, he wasn't even sure if he had been kidnapped for Spider-Man or for Peter Parker.

He hoped he'd find out soon, it'd definitely make things a lot more easier for the duo.

Peter eyed the metal door that was closed tightly, preventing any light from seeping from the cracks into the already dark and freezing room.

Tony has just left and was out, working slowly on the bomb he's being forced to make, and Peter was still here. Suffering in silence and in pain from the treatment he had received when Tony accidentally glared at one of the guards.

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