Lesson Six

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Lesson Six - People Are More What They Hide Than What They Show.

"What do you want?"

Riker had leaned up against my car as soon as I parked it. That only meant one of two things. He either wanted to torture me about my mother being back or he wanted something. Probably both actually, I wouldn't put it past him.

Looking over him I noticed he had gotten a new tattoo on the back of his hand. A rose tattoo I wasn't going to lie I was a sucker for tattoos. I also hated how they made him look so much better looking as well. 

"You know your mother is living in my house right?" There was a type of taunting in his voice but I didn't really care. I had better things to worry about than where the woman was living.

Scoffing I slammed my door closed mentally saying sorry to my car for my actions. "I don't care what the crazy bitch does as long as it doesn't involve me."

Trapping me between his arms and the car I could see his face clearly at this distance. Sharp jawline and pitch black hair. His deep grey eyes  were watching me carefully almost trying to find any reaction.

He was looking for a reaction that was all in wanted in this situation.

I'd rather be damned than show him that any of this was getting under my skin.

I'd also be lying if I didn't say he was fit. All the men in the Kennedy family were but there was something different about him, there was something darker.

There was a rumour going around that Ace didn't pass up the opportunity to take over their fathers business.

It was their father that didn't want him to take it over.

He had wanted Riker to inherit it.

Standing here in front of him I could see why that could be true. There was something about his presence that screamed power and with power came control.

I'd rather burn than let him have any control over me.

"Princess we both know your mother isn't going to stick around for long." He whispered it almost like he didn't want anyone else to hear but there was no one about. I had arrived late but I was sure most of the student body was watching from the windows.

Calming my racing heart, I looked him square in the eyes.

This was a challenge, and I took it head on.

"Oh I know that. She's the type of woman that doesn't stick around anywhere long." I didn't know what he was getting at with this. Coming here and cornering me by my own car wasn't something had completely expected. But I also wasn't caught off guard, I was always ready for anything he threw my way.

"My dad knows that too." Agreed Riker with a nod of his head. "It won't be long before he gets what he wants from her though."

Narrowing my eyes I studied him carefully. He knew something I didn't about my own mother and I didn't like it. He knew what was really going on. The one thing that had stopped me from getting a good nights sleep last night.

"Which is what?"

"Only a matter of time before you find out princess." With that kissed me on the check and walked away. I knew that was pay back for kissing him a few days ago but I didn't care about any of that.

There was something he knew and I didn't and it was about my own family.

That didn't settle well with me.

Anything that Xavier Kennedy would want from my mother would be connected to my family and that wasn't a good sign.

The details of what my mother got when my parents got divorced wasn't something I had ever cared to learn. Now that Xavier was playing a dangerous game I was more than curious to know.

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