Lesson Seven

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Lesson Seven - The Secret Of Your Future Is Hidden In Your Daily Routine.

"Lyra!" Screamed my mother has she walked through the door of the house. What was she doing here? More importantly who the hell invited her.

"What do you want?" I asked dodging her hug. She was getting braver. To brave if you asked me.

She scowled at me but said nothing probably knowing she wouldn't like any replies I would have.

"Alexander." My mother greeted my older brother as he walked down the stairs. Of course it was him that invited her. He was mommy's boy from the moment he was born.

Damon came around the corner stuffing his face with food, he too rolled his eyes when he seen the witch. I could already feel the vibes of annoyance coming from him.

This wasn't going to end well.

"What's she doing here?" I turned up my nose at the sight of his food in his mouth. Then I thought about it for a moment and knew I would rather see that sight again than my mother.

"You are all very rude to your mom."

Looking at the door I noticed Riker standing there leaning against it. I seen Damon step forward but I stood in front of him making sure to block his view. I didn't want mom knowing the fire she had just started.

The woman never noticed anything but if she did you didn't want her to get one up on you. That was a bad move in this game of chess our family always plays.

"I don't think how we speak to our mother is anything to do with you." I kept my voice calm and even. Even though I wanted to do nothing but hit him again. It had brought me so much satisfaction the first time, I'm sure if I did it again the same feeling would appear.

"It kind of is now, don't you think?" He smirked as he spoke. I watched as he ran his hand through his messy hair. I noticed the tattoo on his hand was fully healed, unlike my mother I noticed everything.

No detail ever got past me.

"No I don't think so. Now get out."

"Lyra." Warned Alex. I looked at him surprised.

What was he playing at, first letting our mother freely into the house and now Riker. I didn't fully mind him letting our mother into the house unfortunately she was blood.

Riker on the other hand was the enemy and you didn't let the enemy walk through your front door like he owned the place.

"You don't get to tell us what to do." I could feel the tension between Alex and Damon but I knew it was better to say nothing on that matter.

They had always had problems. I never knew why but I knew it was better to stay out of that one.

Sometimes you just had to let people deal with things themselves.

"I do when dad isn't here."

"Since when?" Asked Damon like it was the most stupidest thing he had ever heard. He also laughed like it was funniest joke he had ever heard and frankly I did the same.

Since when did Alex think he could tell us what to do.

"Since now." He ignored us and turned around to our mother once more.

In my eyes he needed to take his older brother role elsewhere. I only seen him a handful times a year these days and frankly with the way he was getting on it was a few to many.

"What is it you wanted to speak to us about mother?" Asked Alex I rolled my electric blue eyes at his politeness to the she devil.

She didn't deserve it.

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