Lesson Thirty-Seven

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Lesson Thirty-Six - Be A Voice Not A Echo.

Driving up to the front gates of Zane's house I could see that they were firmly closed. His long driveway not even given me a glance to the massive house I knew stood behind all the trees and lights. It was now dark and knew there would be better times to do this than now but I needed answers and Zane and his friends didn't scare me. If anything I should scare them.

Pressing the button on the speaker box I prayed that the guards still liked me and Zane hadn't told them to keep out. Not that would stop me anyway I would probably just climb the fence.

"Hello." Came a voice.

"Hey, it's Lyra Anderson I was wondering if I could talk to Zane." I said trying to sound as innocent and polite as possible. I didn't want to give them any reason to stop me from coming in. I knew Zane had guards surrounding this area.

"Ah Lyra." Spoke the guard excited. "We haven't seen you in ages. Of course you can come in I'll open the gate now for you."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

Hearing a beep of the gate I watched as it slowly opened. One of the guards stood there with a dog as I slowly drove in. He didn't check my car like I knew he would do with most but he made sure to keep guard as the gate closed behind me.

When I first started going out with Zane it kind of freaked me out with all the guards and protection his family had but the more I got to know him I knew why. You had to watch not only your own back but your families too in the life he lives.

It made me wonder if Riker's house was the same. I'm sure it was something like this if he was running on of the biggest operations around.

After driving down the long driveway the house finally came into view. It was dark so I couldn't see much of the details but the lights surrounding the house cast a shadowy aura about the house. For some reason I never liked this place. It didn't really feel like a home, it was more of a hideout. That's not home.

I parked my car in front of the house and got out as one of the drivers made his way over to me.

"Would you like me to take your car around back Miss Lyra?" He was young, early twenties and looked like someone who was way over his head by being here.

"No." I said waving him off. "I won't be here long. Do you know where Zane is though?"

He radioed something in the headset he was wearing that clearly connected him to everyone. It was a few seconds before he responded nodding at what ever the other person said.

"He's in his father's study at the moment. His dad is currently away so he is dealing with something in there."

I nodded understanding. "I won't be long." I said locking my car over my shoulder. I was sure my car wouldn't be in the way were it was parked plus I wanted it where I knew I could quickly leave.

I knew this house just as well as my own. I knew every room and every corner in the massive house. A house that was just as big as mine. Zane's family might not make as much money as mine but they did know how to spend it.

Everywhere was decorated in black and white. It was clear no kids lived here because them white walls would not be like that. My dad had made the mistake of doing that once..... then my brother threw a party and that was the end of that.

Not even bothering to knock I opened the door to the study and I wasn't even surprised by the sight in front of me. There was a girl on Zane's lap, her hair was every way and it was clear she was enjoying herself. Her eyes quickly snapped to mine though when she seen me. Her checks turning red in embarrassment and her eyes wide like she had been caught. She wasn't the only one though Zane's were the same. They were just kissing, what are we 12?

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