Lesson Eleven

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Lesson Eleven - You Weren't Born To Just Pay Bills And Die. You Were Born To Rule The World.


That's what I needed right now. Sitting in my room I was getting ready with Sky and Jake. Well I had been ready for a while now along side Jake, it was just really Sky we were waiting for.

She was always the last to get ready.

We had already had a few so I had a slight buzz going on which was my whole aim to this night. Between Zane coming back and Riker going off on one I wasn't in the mood to deal with anymore shit. Oh and to top it all that was finding out that my brother was right in the heart of all of it.

When he had told me he didn't want the families empire not for a second did I think he would go down that route.

Of course when me and Zane were going out he would be at the races and everything but that was pretty normal for ones around our age in the City. I didn't actually think he would be involved in it any deeper than that.

Clearly I was wrong and that was something that didn't sit right with me.

"I can't wait to go out." Squealed Sky all excited as she looked herself over in the mirror.

After hours of listening to her try and decide on a dress she had finally picked one at the last second. She was wearing a red dress that cut off at her mid thigh. It was tight showing off all her curves. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't go with someone tonight.

Well I suppose I kind of would be. Sky was a bit more shy in that department than I was.

"Where are we even going?" Asked Jake as he got himself another drink from my mini fridge. It was something they was a must have when I redecorated my room last year. Do you have any idea how long it takes to go and get just a glass of water in my house.

It was joke when I say it's basically like a hike and that's not fun in the middle of the night.

"I don't care as long as it's good." Came my flat response at I took another sip of my drink. It took everything in me not to just neck it but I had already done that with my first one.

My comment was the truth, I just wanted to get my mind of things. I was so sick of all the crap that was going on.

My life was never simple I'd be the first to fully admit that. I was an Heir to a multi billionaire Empire. From the moment I was born my life would never be normal but right now it was starting to get on my last nerves.

Between my mothers return, Zane rocking up like he owned the place and Riker butting in more and more into my life there was one thing I knew.

I needer a break.

To top it all off I also found out that my twin brother is in the very gang that my ex boyfriend will soon be leader off. That was something that didn't settle with me well. I grew up and knew Zane which meant I didn't trust him to keep my brother safe. That was something I had made very clear to both Zane and my brother.

If something happened to Damon I would probably lose my fucking mind.

To say the least I needed a break was an understatement.

"Ohhhhhh how about Anarchy?" Asked Sky as she clapped her hands all excited. She had turned around to us like a little child who was asking to go to the sweets shop.

Sky was one of those people that I knew would never grow up. It was a good thing of course and it brought balance to our group of friends.

Sometimes even I knew I was too mature for my age and often forgot that I was the same age as the other ones in our year.

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