Lesson Thirty

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Lesson Thirty - Learn To Fight Alone.

"I just know me and you are going to become good friends."

I looked at Zoe who had connected her tablet to my car. I noticed that she was checking to make sure everything was running as smoothly as possible before the race. I didn't need to be with her but sitting in my car was better company than standing out there with people that did my head in. People were just annoying.

"Why's that?" I gave her a raised eyebrow wanting her to continue.

She shrugged her shoulders clearly not going to answer so I took the moment to look at the tattoos that ran up her right arm. It seemed that everyone Riker knew had tattoos. She must of noticed that I was staring because of what she said next.

"You have any tattoos?" She was scrolling through the list on her tablet but I noticed that she was curious. Her amber eyes glancing at me every few moments. I had to admit she had very much pretty eyes, I was actually a bit jealous.

"Yea." I said lifting the side of my top up, you couldn't see much of it but the swirls and apart of the moon. "A have a large wolf tattoo running from my ribs to my knee. Me and my brothers all have wolf tattoos."

"That's pretty cool." She said leaning in closer her black hair falling over her shoulders as she studied the part she could see.

Her tablet made this weird clicking sound and her attention quickly snapped back to it. "Looks like everything is good to go. I updated the map into your sat nav so you know the route."

Using the screen I looked at the route and noticed that I already knew this way through the city. "The drawbridge route."

Zoe nodded frowning when I got to that part of the track. "Be careful with that one my sources tell me there is a large cargo coming that will need the bridge to be lifted close to the time you will get there."

I scoffed. "It wouldn't be the first time I had to jump that bridge." I wasn't going to lie it wasn't one of my smartest moves in life but it wasn't something I would stop myself from doing again. I was famous for pushing my luck when it came to things like this.

"I was there for that race Riker was in it, you were the only one to risk it and drove the last mile at 30 miles an hour. You basically made a joke out of the rest of them. Riker's temper went through the roof that day." She seemed to shiver at the memory but I didn't bother to ask her why. It was almost time to race.

My car door opened and Archer popped his head in with a cheeky grin on his face. It was like he was walking in on something he shouldn't. Such a weird person but at the same time lovable. "You girls ready?"

I nodded as Zoe got out of the driver seat of my car. I didn't bother getting out and just climbed over. Running my hands over the steering wheel the car came to life. I loved that feature of the car. My brother Hayden out did himself when he first did it with his own.

"You know the plan?" Asked Archer as he looked around the interior of my car. I could see it in his chocolate brown eyes that he was in awe of the whole thing. I had a feeling him and Zoe were from a lot more humble background than I was.

"Nope." I made sure all the mirrors were in place. "All I know is that I need to beat that stupid blonde bitch."

Archer laughed but he was cut off as Riker pushed him out of the way with his tattooed arm.

"Rude." I heard Archer comment and I let out a scoff of laughter. Ladylike I know.

"You need to win this whole thing you hear me. Some of them are underestimating you." His face was blank and I noticed how he looked over in the distance but I didn't turn around to see what he seen. They will regret underestimating me. It's one of the biggest mistakes someone could make about me. I always come out on top no matter what it is.

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