Lesson Thirty-Six

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Lesson Thirty-Six - One Day The People Who Never Believed In You Will Talk About How They Met You.

"Riker give me it!"

"Miss Lyra would you like me to come back later?"

I turned around and seen our head butler Richard standing at the grand doors of our library. I had called him over earlier but in that time Riker had came in to basically annoy the living shit out of me. I had four brothers and none of them annoy me as much as this man that stood in front of me now.

"No Richard it's fine." I said turning my full attention to one of my favourite people in the world. "I was just wondering when my father will be home?"

Richard seemed thoughtful for a moment before answering. "In two weeks Miss Lyra. He's currently in Germany with some of shareholders."

Sighing I let my shoulders slump. That wasn't what I wanted to hear. Why was the man never around when you actually needed him. Though saying that he wasn't around very much these days.

"Thanks Richard."

"No problem Miss Lyra." And with that he nodded and walked back out of the room.

"What's wrong with you?"

Turning back to face Riker I could see his infamous smirk. It had made him look like someone from the stories your parents used to tell you as a child. The type of man that would break the hearts of every good girl they ever come across. The type of man that would burn down the city just for kicks. He was the type of person that we were told to stay away from. I was Lyra Anderson though, I was just as much of a devil as he was. 

"Give me the phone Riker." It was no longer me asking him, I was telling him and he could see the change in my tone.

"Nope." He responded by taunting me by holding the phone in front of him.

It was my mothers phone. The phone I had Damon switch out for a different one. I didn't know how he did it. All I knew what that I couldn't fault his work.

Riker's sleeves were rolled up on his arms showing the tattoos that ran up them. So much detail in every movement. Who ever did the tattoo was a master of their art and I could tell they took great pride in it.

"I can track them better Princess." He pocked the phone and I gave him a raised eyebrow. "Who ever it is, is more likely someone I would know than you. Between all these shootings and everything going on in the city it's better if I deal with this."

"Are you saying I can't defend myself?" I was actually offended right now. I couldn't believe he thought I couldn't look after myself after everything I've been through. Between the shooting and being kidnapped I think I've proven over and over again that I could handle anything.

He scoffed and gave me a pointed look. "You joking right?" I was about to argue with him but he went on. "Of course I know you can handle this shit. Fuck, you can probably handle this shit better than any person I know. This though is my problem. This is city it mine, so what ever is going on in it right now is my responsibility."

"This person is targeting my family and friends so I want to be involved." I gave Riker a hard look. I'd be damned before I let anything happen to my family. "They can't do what they are doing and get away with it and I'm not stupid Riker. I know you know who is doing this or at least what group."

Riker grabbed him by the back of neck and pulled me close his face only inches away from mine. For the first time in a long time I felt my heartbeat speed up. I was normally so cool and collected but right now with him standing right there in front of me something was different.

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