Lesson Nineteen

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Lesson Nineteen - Stop Yourself From Stopping Yourself.

It has been three hours from I accidentally tripped Ashley up. Of course she didn't believe me but who said I cared and in honesty I couldn't have done it better if I did try. I could feel the glares coming my way from her for the rest of the night but at this point I had already had one to many drinks to care anymore.

It was now 1 o'clock at night and the world was still going on around me. People were laughing in all directions and the once perfectly groomed men and flawless makeup of the women were long gone. Even the rich and famous didn't look perfect after a few drinks in them. What a shocker.

I went up to the bar to get another drink. I didn't realise that I stood beside Riker as I did so. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes and even in my drunken state I could tell he was. In fact he didn't look like he had drank at all. Like that night in his brothers nightclub. Even I could tell there was a creepy grin on my face as I thought back to putting Zane's men in their place.

"You've got a stupid grin on your face." He looked at me amused and I shrugged my shoulders as I told the bartender my drink. The girls on my other side glared at me clearly standing there waiting for longer. Being one of the most known people in the room had its perks after all.

"Can I ask you something?"

I looked at him slightly surprised at the seriousness in his tone. I didn't normally answer serious questions I suppose though who really did like answering questions like that. It might have been the alcohol in my system but I nodded anyway.

"Go for it." I said as I took my drink from the bartender. He winked and me and I gave him a wide smile before turning around. I noticed Riker roll his eyes at the exchange but said nothing.

"How do you cope."

In that second I knew I was going to want to down my whole drink before giving him an answer in any shape or form.

"What do you mean?" I asked bring the drink to my lips. I could see him watching the movement carefully. I could've sworn I seen his eyes glaze over as he looked at my lips but quickly cleared his throat and looked me in the eyes again.

"With all the shit that's thrown at you. You're in between everything and you don't even want to be or try to be. Between your dad and being the Heir to one of the most successful Empires in the world. To the shit you went through with Zane. How do you cope with being pulled in every direction?" I noticed the way his voice changed with more harshness when he said Zane's name but I knew he didn't even notice. The two men had been rivals for as long as I could remember.

"We all cope in different ways, mine is having sex and being awesome."

Riker looked at me weirdly then laughed. For some reason it made me feel good inside that I could make him laugh like that. Then again it could just be the alcohol right now and that he's just laughing at my face. Which I'm sure isn't looking it's best at this point in the night.

He leaned in closer to me though so our chests were almost touching. I could feel my heart beat doing 90 and I frowned. I never felt like that any other time Riker and me were close. It definitely was the alcohol going to my head without a doubt.

"Oh yea what's your favourite position then ?" He asked quietly whispering in my ear. This made me grin when I knew my answer straight away.


He looked at me dead in the eyes with a massive grin on his face. I'd never seen someone so handsome in my life and I wasn't going to lie about it. He had taken off his jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt slight up his forearms. I could see clearly the tattoos that rested on his arm and I would be the first to admit that I loved them. I was always and always will be a sucker for tattoos. Maybe that's why he was getting under my skin slightly.

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