Lesson Eight

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Lesson Eight - Some People Are Not Meant To Be Tamed. They Are Meant To Run Wild Until They Find Someone Just As Wild To Run With Them.

To sum up what was happening.

I didn't fucking know.

I was standing at the top of the staircase looking down at the guests below. It was one of my fathers formal get together dinners. I didn't really know what this one was over but all I knew was that I was standing here looking at all those people having more fun than me.

These things annoyed me. I grew up with these formal diners and they do nothing but show how stuck up most of the wealthy were.

All they did was go around talking about what they had spent their money on this week.

The worst part?

My mother was invited and in turn she invited the Kennedy's. Like I needed to see anymore of them.

In that moment I locked eyes with Riker who was down the stairs in the open entrance talking to some middle aged couple. His cloud grey eyes looking right at me. He held up his glass in greeting with a smirk on his face. I scoffed and looked away. I took a sip out of my own glass acting like I was ignoring him.

I'd be lying if I didn't say he looked handsome in his black shirt and pants. His tattoos were poking out of the collar of his shirt and his hands, it made him look even better in my eyes.

"Lyra?" I turned around to see one of the hired investigators standing behind me. He was dressed up for the formal party in order to blend in. He was holding out a file to me and I took it gratefully.

"Thank you." I said and with that he left.

Looking down at the file I grinned and seen what I was looking for. The title was Kennedy family. I looked down at Riker and held up the file to show him. He looked at me with narrowed eyes. He knew I was up to something.

He seemed to excuse himself from the couple and walked up the stairs to met me. People were greeting him on the way past but he didn't pay them much attention.

"What have you got there princess?" His voice sounded like he didn't care but I could tell he was curious. They always were when there was something in the air that they didn't know.

Men were simple creatures.

I showed him the title and he froze. He looked at me carefully and quickly got his composure back. "What's that princess?"

I turned on my heel and started to walk down the hallway. I knew he would follow and that's what I wanted. I didn't need all the eyes on us. I could already sense the judgement.

"Seeing as you knew so much about my family I thought I should do my own research on yours."

"There's nothing to find out about my family." He sounded so sure about it but I knew differently, there was something his family was hiding. No one would know that much about a family if there wasn't secrets of their own they wanted to keep. To hide your own secrets you needed other peoples secrets to keep on top of the game.

"See that's what the first three investigators told me as well but then I thought about it. If your family is anything like mine, it's secretive so I went a bit deeper and paid someone on your payroll some big bucks."

He narrowed his eyes. "Give me the file."

I laughed slightly then with a straight face and kept walking. "Nope."

"Princess give me the file."



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