Lesson Forty-Five

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Lesson Forty-Five - Stay Ready So You Don't Have To Get Ready.

Detention. Something I had been to, ever. It was something I should've been to more than once in my life but of course I hadn't been. My family ruled this City. I hated how spoilt I shouldn't but there was somethings you just had to use to your advantage and getting out of doing stuff like this was one of them.

Zane was currently sitting beside me looking bored out of his head, even he was smart enough to show up. Though I'm pretty sure my nice little threat to him at lunch time made sure that happened. Mr Davis was serious in what he said about I wasn't going to push my luck right now with him. I needed to stay under his radar until my life was sorted outside of school. I couldn't deal with them both right being shit.

Riker though, Riker wasn't here. Knowing graduating to him wasn't at the top of things for him to care about he probably would risk not showing up. Then again surprised me when he walked in through the class room door completely cutting off the teacher as he spoke about the work. The teacher though didn't seem to care anymore and sat down at his desk telling us to do what ever we wanted as long as we were quiet. I'm sure Mr Davis would be happy to hear about that if he knew. I just needed to get through this hell of an hour.

Sitting down in the table on the other side of me I turned my attention to him. "I'm surprised you showed up."

He looked over my shoulder to Zane with his cloud grey eyes before he turned his attention back to me.

"So am I." That was all he said as he got more comfortable in his seat. We couldn't even take out our phones to pass the time as Mr Davis had completely banned them. This man was starting to hammer down the rules and was serious about them all. I didn't know which one of the boys on either side of me would crack first but my beat was on Riker. He didn't have much appreciation for people who tried to tell him what to do. Not that I was much better.

"What are we going to do about Mr Davis?" Zane kept his voice low as he pulled his chair over to my table.

"Mr Davis isn't our problem right now. What I want to know is where is your uncle?"

Zane ran his hand through his hair in frustration making me narrow my eyes at him. "How am I meant to know? Mr Davis took my phone off me if you don't remember. Not all of us can walk around like Riker and can afford to leave here without a education."

The two of us turned our attention to Riker who was sitting there on his phone. I glanced at the teacher to see he wanted to tell Riker off but he wasn't brave enough to. No matter what rules Mr Davis put into the school it was clear that some reputations just couldn't be stood up to.

Looking at Riker I could see that his face was getting sterner and harder as he texted away on his phone. Who ever he was talking to was clearly serious as I could see the tight grip around his phone. There was something off, I could sense it. Something bad has happened.

"Riker?" My voice was low making sure that no one else could here us in the otherwise silent room.

Riker's gaze snapped to Zane completely ignoring me, I was slightly offended but it quickly past with his next look. I had never seen something like it before on Riker's face. Pain. Pain that he was about to say something he didn't want to say.

"Zane have you heard from your parents?"

Zane narrowed his eyes at Riker in confusion. "No I haven't heard from them since we got back and the guys haven't said anything to me. Why?"

"Zane, they were found dead in your house."


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