happily ever after

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one of the best feelings is waking up to a room full of morning sunshine beaming down through the window, feeling the utmost optimism about life.

when you look outside you can't help but smile to yourself because you just feel so lucky to be able to see the trees, feel the breeze, and smell the fresh, crisp, dewy, morning air.

that's how y/n was feeling.

today was her and gilbert's five month anniversary-- and she was so excited to spend the day with him.

she had been walking on the path to gilbert's house, taking in each gorgeous view of the trees and each breathtaking flash of color from the flowers along the way.

gilbert wouldn't tell her what they were doing-- he had insisted on it being a surprise.

all y/n cared about was spending time with him. she never told him, but he was on her mind every second of everyday. she would always giggle and smile like a hopeless romantic. she just found it so mind boggling and amazing that she could call him her's.

y/n appreciated the birds' songs more than usual today.

"thank you!" she called to them joyfully as she reached gilbert's doorstep.

she raised a hand to knock, but an excitable looking gilbert blythe opened the door before she could. y/n smiled at him fondly.

"you look stunning," he said breathlessly. she blushed, looking down at her dress. it was her everyday dress, that he's literally seen a hundred times before.

"gilbert... i'm not dressed up or anything," y/n replied, laughing softly. gilbert stared into her eyes for a moment before grabbing her hand and leading her away from the house.

"who said that had anything to do with it?"


they walked hand in hand toward the mystery destination.

y/n noticed he had a basket in his other hand.

"do you feel it?" gilbert asked suddenly. y/n looked at him, taken aback.

"feel what?" she asked. gilbert looked at her and his lips twitched into a small smile.

"the air." he replied. he looked at y/n, acknowledging her blank expression. when she didn't respond, he continued.

"it's as if the universe knows we're together." he whispered. y/n looked at him admiringly.

"you've always been a poetic one, gilbert blythe." she replied, chuckling.

it was the little moments like these that made y/n fall desperately in love with him.

most times in life, you can't have what you want.

y/n closed her eyes and thanked god that this wasn't one of those times.


y/n had guessed they were close to their destination when gilbert hurried behind her to softly place his hands over her eyes.

♥️gilbert blythe imagines♥️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon