the bracelet (modern day)

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gilbert and y/n walked together in the mall, looking at all the different stores and displays.

as they walked, their hands would slightly brush against the other's every once in a while. and each time, their cheeks would flush a slight pink as they exchanged shy glances.

but then, as the back of their hands briefly met each other's once again, gilbert held his breath as he grabbed y/n's hand and held it tight. y/n's fingers practically broke, but nevertheless she looked up and gave him a sweet smile.

gilbert turned really red, and ran his free hand through his curls as he looked around at all the kiosks. he initially did this to cut off the awkward eye contact, but then one of the kiosks caught his eye. not letting go of y/n's hand, he walked over to the glass display case to take a closer look.

the vendor behind the case noticed gilbert's intrigue.

"interested in getting one of them?" she asked gilbert as she closed the register and waved another couple goodbye.

"do they... do something?" he asked. the vendor opened the display case and took out two bracelets.

"they come in pairs, because they're specifically designed for... well, pairs," she said as she nodded toward the two. "basically they're smart bracelets made for couples. whenever you're missing the other, all you have to do is tap the bracelet and it'll send a vibration and light to the other person's bracelet." she tapped the top of one of the bracelets. the other lit up and vibrated. "it means that the other is thinking of you," she added.

gilbert glanced sideways at y/n, who was looking at the bracelets longingly. the corner of gilbert's mouth twitched into a small smile. he cleared his throat and reached for his wallet.

"i'll take them."


y/n teared up as she revisited this day in her head. she stared at the bracelet, sitting on her dresser, untouched. and it hadn't vibrated in days.

about a week and a half ago, gilbert and y/n had a fight over some girl y/n accused gilbert of cheating on her with. it turned out y/n was just being paranoid, and that never happened. hurt by the mistrust he was treated with, gilbert refused to answer y/n's texts, calls, and she even tried the bracelet too.

but it never lit up in return.

"i just need some time." was what he said. the last thing he said before he left y/n behind, crying.

so she went home that night, and she was willing to give him time. but what was torturing her the most was that she didn't know how much he would need. and she didn't know how much she could endure, either.

y/n wiped the tears from her eyes. she knew it wouldn't work, but she grabbed her phone to text him again:



hey, please answer me. i'm sorry.

i shouldn't have doubted you.


please gilbert.

Read: 10:54 PM


y/n bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from sobbing. she turned her phone off and placed it on her bedside table. y/n paced her room, hands through her hair, contemplating what she should do to keep herself from going insane.

y/n looked at the bracelet. she grabbed it, and stuffed it in a drawer at the back of her closet.she was tired of waking up and having to look at that stupid thing. it was a reminder of what she just couldn't have anymore.

y/n decided to go to sleep. she didn't want to worry about it anymore; so she climbed in bed.

she tossed and turned for what seemed like hours before sleep slowly started to take over. and just as her eyelids started to become heavy with exhaustion, a slight vibration could be heard somewhere within her closet.


(a/n) a short one, but i liked the story line so i just had to share it with you guys :)

dedicated to Marisa0117

bc you deserve it. thanks for being such a great friend boo :)

alsoooo look at me tryin a different time period 😙

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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