dating gilbert blythe:

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•at school he always slips you little notes about how much he loves you or how pretty you looked today

•study sessions where you end up falling asleep in his arms

•brings an extra apple to school just for you :)

•jealous easily but hates to admit it

•tight, protective boyfriend hugs because he just loves you that much

•smells like vanilla

•each time you sleep over he kisses you softly on the forehead before you go to sleep

•when you're sad he won't make you tell him what's wrong if you don't want to; he'll just read you your favorite book while you lay in his arms (and he'll play with your hair hehe)

•plans all the traveling you two will do someday

•a great listener when you're mad/sad

• "i know, i know... but you'll get through it, you always do. you're so strong. and i'm here for you, don't forget that... i love you, okay?"

•sneaks out to your house so you guys can go lay in your favorite poppy field and look at the clouds while holding hands

•is actually a really great cook

•he lets you play with his curly hair while he reads/studies :)

•he can't stop squeezing your face because "you're too cute!!"

•holds your hand tightly and pulls you close when other guys try to flirt with you

•corrects you on your grammar every five seconds but it's okay because it's gilbert

•calls you sweetheart

•lays on your chest/lap when he's stressed or upset

•loves to do your hair but he likes doing braids the best

•so patient with you even when you're needy and clingy

•takes really good care of you; makes sure you eat healthy, well rested, ready for the exam coming up, etc.

•really good at getting you gifts because he's so sentimental and romantic

•wants to learn how to draw just like cole and insists you frame his drawings ("okay, but did you see how perfectly i drew that one line?!")

•doesn't let you walk out of your house in the winter unless you're "all bundled up"

•giggles like a schoolgirl whenever you do something cute ("ahh stop, you're giving me butterflies!!")

•still blushes every time you kiss him

•sometimes chops wood when you're around to show off how strong he is

•LOVES hanging out with you but whines like a 3 year old when you have to leave

•wears this one sweater a lot because you said it looked nice once

• "i still can't believe you're mine."

•your parents love him

•he tried teaching you how to bake bread one time but you guys ended up having a flour fight

•lots of cuddles because he honestly can't get enough of you

•overall is just the sweetest lil boy you've ever met


(a/n) okay so this one was different but I felt like changing it up ya know

hope you enjoyed :)

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