Chapter 3

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The first one to walk in was Sienna Pierce. Or what others call her Seductive Sienna. She is the popular wannabe that was taken under the wing of the "it" girl crew. She does the dirty work and basically just wants attention. She is wearing a gray strapless jumper that has a nice cute bow in the middle at the waistline and black heels to go with it. Her brown hair is straightened and cascades neatly down her back.

The second one to walk in was Cartier Johansson. Or what other call her Charismatic Cartier. She walks in proudly, with her head held high, with her boyfriend Armani Clarke who I had to unfortunately run into today with his fellow friend Issac Evans. She has on an off the shoulder black top with a pair of denim jeans and knee high boots.

Speaking of Issac Evans, the last one to walk in was Victoria Hughes, the queen bee of Eastside High School and ex-girlfriend of Issac Evans. Well, for all I know they could still be dating. You never know with the famous on again- off again couple. Despite being the last one to come in, out of all of them, she exudes the most confidence and her whole demeanor screams high status and confidence that many envy. She walks and stand right in the middle of her trio group and people around the ice cream shop look in their direction. Its like they are magnets. People are just drawn to them. People other than of me of course. She has on a floral strapless top and a short pink skirt that matches the bright colors of her top. She has strapless nude heels to top on her outfit.

They bought their ice cream and then sat down at table kind of away from people but still near so people could see them. They started chatting about how "interesting" their days have been and a whole load of crap.

They haven't recognized me and Zoe yet and I am thanking the higher powers every second. There are other people from our school in the ice cream shop as well, but they can't take their eyes off of the "celebrities" in the shop. Once we are done with our ice cream, Zoe and I leave the shop and walk home. We walk into an empty house as usual. Our brother Leo went to a boy scout thing where he does some 4 day trip to the woods or something like that.

I walk upstairs to my room and open the door. My room is nothing special, nothing fancy, and nothing over the top. I have a queen sized bed in the middle of the room. A purple 5-drawer dresser, 2 bookshelves that are stocked with books and a reclining chair for me to sit obviously. I drop my bag on the floor and plop myself on the bed.

I stick my hand underneath my bed and fish out my brown notebook that I bought from Marshalls. I take out a pen on my desks and I flip to a new page in the notebook.

Dear Dad,

This is the 212th entry I have made in this book.212 letters I have written from the last time I saw you, which was when I was 11. I'm turning 18 soon! I don't know if you will come to my birthday. Will you? Probably not. I don't know why I am holding onto the hope that maybe just maybe you will show up for an Easter or a Christmas. I don't know what is holding you back from coming to see me. I just know that I miss you. I miss when You would take me to the park and we would ride my bike or you would give me piggy back rides all around town. Or when I was 8 and you snuck me out the house and just you and me went to this hill that overlooks the entire city and just sat there, not talking. We just sat in our daddy-daughter bubble and just watched something beautiful, something almost as beautiful as our relationship at the time. It breaks me dad. This is the 7th year you have been out my life. I appreciate the cards you send for my birthday, but I wish you were here. Right next to me, like you were when we were on that hill. Just so you know, Zoe and Leo are fine. Mom is too. She is holding up. But it would've been better is you hadn't just up and left as soon as she gave birth to Leo. 7 years ago. I mean, you aren't going to see this letter anyway, but whatever. Just...i don't know come back. Please.

Bay Stewart

A heavy breath passes my lips and I tie back up the notebook and hide it back under my bed.

"Bay Im going in the shower first!" Zoe yells. I walk over to my bay window and look outside. A knock sounds at my door and Zoe walks in. She walks over to me and sits down in front of me. I glance at her briefly and then look back outside. RIght behind our house is a little fort made out of dirt, sticks, sand(yes, believe it), rocks, bricks, and metal. It was meant to be a castle but it obvisously didnt work out. We made 5 stick figures out of the metal: Me, Zoe, Leo, Mom, and Dad. Dad helped us with the fort and it eventually turned out to look like a whole load of shit.

But it was shit we made together. That was the last thing we did with our dad before he left.

"You miss him, don't you?"

"Miss who? Mr. Radley and his funny jokes and killer cakes. Yeah sure." I say and get up and walk to my dresser and begin to sort out all my jewelry.

"Come on Bay. Stop blocking me out. I know you miss him. I do too."

"I dont miss him Zo. He left. He left us. He left me. How could I miss a stupid coward?" I lie and try to block out my chaotic thoughts bouncing around in my head.

Of course I miss him

Despite what he did, he is still my father.

"Oh cut the shit Bay. It's me you are talking to. Not Issac Evans"

"Why are you mentioning Issac Evans when I am calm in my own house. Ew"

"He has done nothing wrong to you."

"You're right. He hasn't. It's what he stands for. What he associates himself with that pisses me off." I say and take out a pair of shorts and a top from the draw and walk out the room.

"What are you talking about?" Zoe asks and follow me out the room.

"He is friends with two assholes: Armani and Asher. Armani is rich and so is his girlfriend. I mean after all they are both named after rich designers. He is stuck up and sometimes annoying. Asher is a man whore who finds fun in deflowering the girls in the school and then marking them as whores like himself." I say and spin around and look at Zoe. "Didn't you know that Asher banged Sienna. Sienna Pierce. Seductive Sienna. Yeah, and yet still he hates her and calls her a bitch every time he gets."

"You don't even know them. You here a little bit of locker talk and gossip and you have marked them already. I wouldn't have expected you to do that Bay."

"Fine, I will be the bad guy, but I am not falling for it. Maybe they aren't that bad but I will always keep my guard up against them. Against everyone. You know that." I say and walk into the bathroom.

"Even me?"

You miss him Bay.

You still love him

I blink my eyes trying to rid myself of the lethal thoughts parading in my head.

"Zoe you are my sister. You are the exception." I say and close the door needing some time to think to myself. I need time to just detach from everyone else which is a trick I have picked up over the years. Detach yourself so that you wont feel the emotion and the hurt they will cause you in the long run.


But maybe thats the reason I never smile

That's the price I am willing to pay so that I wont get hurt again.

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