Chapter 63

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"Issac Austin Evans, please tell me you are kidding?"

"I am not." he says with a smirk on his face.

"You are taking me to New York City for Valentine's Day!" I squeal and look up at him with the biggest smile on my face. He leans down a kisses my forehead. He wheels our suitcases into his personal jet and I follow behind. 

"Who packed my stuff?"

"Zoe." He says and leaves our suitcases at the front of the jet. I look around at the jet. It is smaller than Armani's jet, but that makes sense. It is only Issac and I, not like 8 people. This jet is designed with white and grey and it basically resembles the Evan's house.

"Wanna see our room?" Issac asks with a grin on his face.


I smile and nod my head. He rests his hand on the small of my back and guides me to a room with a white slide door. He slides the door open.

I gasp looking at the beautiful room in front of me. I walk in slowly afraid that if I walk too hard I may break the floor or something.

Stupid, right?

This room looks similar but at the same time different than the rest of the jet. The walls are white and there are 4 windows in the room giving in a generous amount of light into the room. The king sized bed in the middle of the room has a big white duvet with big white and golden colored pillows on it. The ceiling has a beautiful golden design on it adding to the rooms majestic look of the entire room. There is a plush white couch on the left of the room right in front of a wall TV.

"T-this is beautiful. I want to ask how can you afford all of this, but I already know." I tell him honestly and touch the silky soft duvet. The room smells like cinnamon.

Like Issac.

"We have a 3 hour flight in store so you can change into more comfortable clothes. Oh let me show you the bathroom." He holds out his hand and I take it and he guides me out the room and to a door right near our room. He opens it and we walk in. He turns on the light revealing a bathroom the size of my room.

"No way." I mutter. This is bigger than Armani's.

There is a stand up shower, a jacuzzi tub and then there are 2 conjoined sinks. It is literally something out of a bathroom design catalog. I look over the the sink and on it is a whole collection of Cantu products, all of which I use. I turn around to Issac with a smile.

"You didn't buy me the whole Cantu collection."

"Oh, I did. And a diffuser, hair dryer, and a straightner." He says with a proud smile on his face. I wrap my arms around his waist, interlocking my hands behind his back and looking up into his grey eyes.

"You didn't have to do all of this."

"A simple thank you would suffice." He says and smirks.

"We speak too much." I whisper out and lean up and brush my lips against Issac's, not tearing my eyes away from his for a moment. I watch as his light grey eyes slowly turn darker and darker until it is a dark stormy grey. I close my eyes and connect my lips with his. His soft lips glide against mine slowly, but nonetheless causing an onslaught of butterflies to erupt in my stomach and tingles to spread all throughout my body.

I lean down, a big smile on my face.

"We should do more of that later."

"Why not now?" I ask and trail my finger on his chest with a suggestive look in my eye.

Since when was I this confident?

 "As much as I would love to do that, I have some work to do."

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