Chapter 26

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I can't sleep.

I am nocturnal. I just can't sleep at night. It may have something to do with my father leaving our family at night. He tried to sneak out , but I caught him and then everyone woke up and had to watch my father leave his family. 

So because I can't sleep, I am baking. 

Pitiful, i know.

I am baking cookies in a thrasher shirt Issac gave me....that I stole one night when I was at his house for the night. I am baking while wearing the shirt of my best friend who kissed me two nights ago. This is beyond pitiful.

I wipe some flour off my nose and continue making the cookies. I pop the cookies into the oven and then go to the table and pour myself a glass of red wine. I look at the blood red liquid and I sip on the wine trying rid thoughts of Issac Evans out my mind. I haven't talked to him in 2 days. Ever since the Victoria thing yesterday, I haven't left my room unless I was taking a shower and right now, baking. A stressed sigh passes through my lips and I run my hands through my curly hair.

"Tough night?" a voice says and I look up to see Armani in a white robe that has his initials on the sleeves of it and on the chest part. He walks over to me and slides into the seat across from me.

"You could say that." I say and finish off my glass of wine. 

"I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. What..Victoria did was uncalled for and just unfair to you. Sienna is just still angry you slapped her still."

"Thanks Armani."

"BUT...the real reason you are sitting out here stressed and drinking away your sorrows is because of one Issac Evans, isn't it?" he asks and looks into my hazel eyes.

I shrug my shoulders and pour myself another glass of wine.

"I don't know what magic you did on Issac, but I have never seen him more happier, lighter, and i guess...fulfilled maybe since he met you. The day he bumped into you in that hallway was the day his eyes lit up. He is a naturally happy dude, but you just added to it. I don't know what happened when you guys kissed, but you should talk to him. He has been beating himself up about not knowing what he did wrong and a whole other stuff."

"Armani, its like 2 am and I am up baking. He is probably sleeping."

"Issac hasn't slept in 2 days. And since yesterday all he has done is argue with Victoria because of what she did to you. He really likes you Bay." He says and gets up and takes the bottle.

"Finish your glass of liquid courage and then go and talk to Issac."

"Can I at least get the bottle?" I plead.


"Why the hell not?"

"Lets just say, I will be using the wine for.... good use. Yeah, that's an innocent answer." he says with a smirk on his face and walks away. I down the glass of wine and then I get up and check on my cookies. They look like they are done, so I take them out and leave them on the counter so they can cool. I slowly walk to Issac's room and stop in front of his door. I form my hand into a fist and I raise it to knock on the door, but I stop.

What if he doesn't want to talk to me?

What if he hates me? I can't handle Issac hating me.

But I will never know until I knock on this door and find out. I knock on the door 3 times and then wait. I hope I didn't wake him. I hear some ruffling behind the door and then footsteps approaching the door. My heart is beating so fast every time the step gets closer. The door swings open revealing Issac with nothing but boxers on.

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