Chapter 45

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Hello my lovely, awesome readers, 

I hope you are having an awesome sauce day!

A song to listen to that will relate to this chapter is 'Father' by Demi Lovato.

Enjoy the chapter!

"Brett!" I yell and run after him on the soccer field. I push my legs to go harder and faster to reach Brett who is already on the center of the field. When I reach him, I gently touch his arm, but he moves it away.

"Brett come on don't be like this." I plead.

"I have every right to be like this Bay. Is what Victoria said back there true?" He asks, hurt flashes in his blue eyes and I feel an ache in my heart knowing I did that.

"Of course not." I reply and look down at my converses.

"You can't even look me in the eye." He scoffs and walks off. 

This is why I just wanted to stay friends.

"Brett. You cannot trust a single thing that Victoria says. Trust me. Believe me. " I plead once more and stand in front of him blocking his walk. He looks down at me with a pained expression.

"You know, I always knew there was something going on between you and Evans, but I convinced myself that it was just friendship with playful banter. I have liked you for as long as I can remember and you never knew it and the one time that we have something going on, you have feelings for Issac Evans. And he likes you too, but he has a girlfriend. There is an obvious connection between you two that neither of you are acknowledging and I was stupid enough to believe that you picked me and Issac will just fade into the background. I was stupid."

"Brett, please. Don't do this." I hold onto his arm trying to plead with him, but he is too hurt.

"I can't be in a relationship with you if you like Issac. You are funny, drop dead gorgeous, kind-hearted, and every guy's dream, but I won't do this if you like Issac and I already know you can't just get rid of those feelings for him."

"Brett, I don't like him. He is just my best friend." I tell him trying to make him...and myself as well believe the mantra that I keep reciting in my head everyday.

"Bay, the entire school knows you like each other. In my opinion, he should break up with Mackenzie because I already know from experience now that being second best, being the second choice is not enough and no one deserves that." He says and looks at me with his blue pools of sadness and walks off past me and to the guys locker rooms. 

A deep sigh passes through my lips and I run a stressed hand through my curly hair and walk off into the girls locker room and back inside the building. Classes have already commenced and I am late, but luckily, it is just History and our teacher just shows us movies or as he says, educations clips, to help us understand the concept visually.

While we are watching movies, Mr. Waterman, the history teacher, is busy sexting his girlfriend and examining digitally.

I walk into the classroom and I expect Mr. Waterman to say some snide remark about my being absent and then turn back to his phone, but instead he doesn't even acknowledge my tardiness because he has his nose in his phone. I take my seat in the back of the classroom and look at the old, vintage TV upfront. 

Mr. Waterman has got to be kidding. 

This guy is playing The Crown as an 'educational clip'. I give Mr. Waterman a 'your fucking kidding me right?' look even though he isn't looking. I take out my phone and begin playing Super Mario Go in the mean time until class ends. 

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