Chapter 10

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"Hands off!" I slap Issac's greedy hand that's trying to steal my cookie dough ice cream.

"Sharing is caring." He says with an adorable smile on his face.

"Who said I cared?" I pop a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth and look straight into the eye of the storm, Issac's eyes.

"Well shit." He feigns a hurt expression and I look at him impassively.

"Oh puh-lease" I say and roll my eyes. "Do you want me to nurse your wounds?"

Issac's eyes perk up and he says, "Seeing you in a nurse outfit." He then looks up and puts on a thinking expression and nods his head. I stomp on his foot underneath the table and it snaps him out of his dirty thoughts.

"Disgusting" Despite what he just said, I can't fight the smile that makes it's way to my face.

"10!" he says and points to my face. I roll my eyes and cover my face already feeling my cheeks get heated.

We sit in silence for a while, but it's not awkward. Silence between me and Issac has never been like that. It's comfortable and our prescense is enough to fill the silent atmosphere.

"So why are you always smiling?" I blurt out not really thinking how stupid my question sounds. Issac snorts in laughter and I cover my face realizing how stupid I really am.

"Why are you never smiling?"

I shrug my shoulders and he raises an eyebrow.

"I am always smiling because there is so much to be happy for. I am alive. The people I care about are alive. Let's say that I got hit by a car tonight and die and I never smile. I never embraced the goodness in life then I would regret it so much. Plus, this smile gets me lots and lots of girls. I bet that's what drew you in."

"In your dreams Evans." I roll my eyes and put my ice cream spoon down.

"Definitely in my dreams." he says with a smirk on his lips and his eyes are a few shades darker.

"Ew!" I yell and then we bursts out laughing.


"Thanks for the ride Issac Evans." I say and i get out the car.

"You are welcome Bay Stewart." he says mocking my formal use of his name.

"See ya on Monday."

"Hmmmmm actually no. You will see me tomorrow"

"And why would I use my weekend to spend time with Issac Evans?"

"Since you let me volunteer my service for hashtag Project Bay Smiles."

"Project Bay Smiles."

He nods his head.

"You never cease to amaze me Issac Evans" I say and then I walk away and inside my house. The house is of course empty, but I hear some noise upstairs so I follow it. I open Zoe's room and to say what I am seeing is shocking me is a complete understatement.

Asher Stevens, man-whore of Eastside High, is in my sister's bedroom.

"What the actual fuck!" I yell and I startle the two out of the little bubble they were in and Zoe looks at me wide eyed and Asher, of course, seems chill.

"Asher what are you doing here? In my house? In my sisters bedroom!"

"Bay we were only talking. He was explaining and apologizing for today. It's not that big of a deal."

I look toward Asher. "Trouble. That's what you are bringing to her. She never had any encounter like that today until you came along. Your player ways are not going to work."

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