Chapter 22

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I close my locker after putting my stuff in and just taking out my bag. The day has ended and overall it has been great. I mean besides Victoria and her pettiness in first period. That's all. I haven't told Issac and I hope he doesn't find out.

I walk toward the school building door and exit. I look around the parking lot for Issac, but don't see him. 

"Bay!" a voice says and I look to my right to see Brett Cruz jogging to me.


"Hi so... coffee?"

"You really don't give up, do you?"

"Not really." He says and flashes me his million dollar smirk. That same smirk that made me like him in 6th grade.

"Ok fine."

"So you want to go now?" he asks.

"Uh. I can't. I have plans, but soon."

"Alright" he says.

"Bay." a familiar voice says and I look to see Issac on his motorcycle waiting for me.

I look back to Brett and tell him goodbye and I walk over to Issac. I take up my helmet and put it on and get on the back of his motorcycle. Issac quickly zooms off and in the direction of my house. His muscles are tense and that's unlike him. He is usually relaxed, especially when he is with me. Something must be bothering him.

When we reach to my house, I hop off the motorcycle and I take off the helmet and hand it to him. Issac isn't looking at me. He is looking everywhere else, and I already know for sure something is up.

"What's up with you?" 

He finally looks at me and says, "What are you talking about Bay?"

"You're distant. It's like you are here, but you aren't here."

"Bay, I'm just tired."

"OK then go home and sleep. You don't need to tire yourself out with taking me on these extravagant adventures everyday. Just forget about today."

"No. It's just... i don't know."

"You were fine before like during lunch and then as soon as....."


"Is this about Brett?"

"Brett? Who is that?" He asks and his ears turn a little pink.

"Are you jealous of Brett Cruz Issac?" I ask and walk up closer to him.

"I am not jealous of anyone. The roles are reversed."

"Awwwww is Zacky bear jealous of the big bad soccer player?" I mock and pinch his cheeks leaving a pink mark behind.

Issac mumbles a bunch of incoherent words and my smile grows bigger.

"You are my best friend Issac. So I go out for a coffee with Brett, so what? It's just coffee. Even if that slight possibility that me and him become friends again happens, you are my BEST friend. We are the exception, its your turn to remember that." 

"That was a good speech." he says. For a minute he zones out and then his eyes widen.

"Forget this, you know this what I was gonna do for you. Armani is going on this trip to Alaska for a rock concert/festival thing kind of. He may meet some big rock band that he has always wanted to meet. It's by plane of course. We are using Armani's private jet, so you won't need to buy any ticket. You only need an ID. Do you want to go? Zoe can come too" He asks, but I can sense that he is quite scared to ask this, probably expecting the worst.

"I mean. I would have to ask my mom. Who else is going?"

Issac sucks in a sharp breath and releases it. "That's the thing. Armani is bringing his girlfriend, Cartier. She is actually not bad when you get to know her. And because Cartier is going so is Victoria and Sienna. Asher is coming because his other two best friend are coming. So that's it."

"Me, Victoria, Asher, You. That's not a disaster waiting to happen.."

"Yeah I know. I tried to get Victoria to stay back and Armani did too, but she refused and said she already packed her suitcases. It's next week. The week when we are off because of faculty stuff and events. Please come to Fairbanks with me"

"We will see."

"OK." he says.

"Go and sleep. You look like you are going to fall asleep now which I am concerned about because you are on a motorcycle not in a car, but you are stubborn as hell."

"Coming from you Ms. 'I must have my way or I will scratch out your eyeballs and Put them on kebab sticks and feed it to my cat'"

"OK random. Get out, go and sleep. Oh and eat too. Drink water."

"Yes mom." he says and revs his engine of the motorcycle.

"Until next time beautiful Bay." he adds and in a blur, has already zoomed down the street. I walk into the house and to my surprise, my mom is on the couch watching TV.

"Hello?" I ask and she looks at me with a hopeful look in her eyes, but once she sees it's me, her face falls and returns back to the screen. She has done that for the last 7 years. Always hoping he would come back, but he never does and never will.

"What are you doing here?" I ask and sit down at the chair across from her.

"What does it look like I am doing Bay?"

Guess I am cutting to the chase then.

"Next week, some friends of mine are going by plane to Alaska. Is it okay if Zoe and I could go. We are driving up to Alaska for a concert and we will be gone the week."

"Are there chaperones?"

"No. Well one of them going is 18. You met Issac and Armani. At the dinner you took us to about a month or so ago. You work for Issac's dad's business."

"Wait...Issac EVANS?"

"Yeah, him."

"Ohh ok. He is a nice kid. I mean I guess you could go. Whatever. Just bring identifications and stuff. You shouldn't need the passport. I will provide you and Zoe money. I assume you are using your friends private jet knowing Andrew and Isaiah. Where in Alaska is it?"

"I think Fairbanks"

Why is she being so nice and I don't know willing to the idea?

"OK bye" I say and run upstairs already knowing Zoe is home. I walk into her room and she is on her bed doing some homework.

"Zoe.I have a favor to ask."

She drops her pencil and looks up at me with a blank look. "Did you steal from Rebecca's house again? I told you that she didn't have your crap!"

"That was only one time and it was like last year."

"Last year as in 8 months ago. That was this year." she says and rolls her eyes.

"Come with me, Issac, his friends, and unfortunately, Victoria and her friends to a rock concert in Alaska. Mom approved."

"Me, Asher, Sienna. That is a nuclear bomb ready to explode" she says brushing me off and returning to her homework.

"Come on Zoe. I know Asher and you are complicated, but me in a jet with Asher AND Victoria. That is toxic and will end up with Asher and Victoria with bald spots on their heads. Please Zo." I plead.

"Fine. But Alaska. That's so cold. We have to go shopping." she says.

"Definitely. Thank you so much Zoe!" I smile and bounce out the room and to my own. I crash on the bed and text Issac that I could go receiving a bunch of happy emojis from him

Issac is right. Happiness is a choice. And I feel genuinely happy today.

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