Chapter 59

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My head feels fuzzy and I can feel a headache coming on. I rub my temples furiously trying to postpone the headache, which will slow me down. I run down the hall and in every locker is a paper sticking out of it of what was just on the screen. Loud clamoring from down the hall nears and a whole crowd of students and running in the hallway, grabbing papers out the lockers to get a close up on what was on the projector.

I read over the document, over and over again. 

No. It's not possible. H-he would've told me.

I swallow down on the lump in my throat that threatens to burst. 

"Bay, what is this?" Zoe asks when she runs up to me, out of breath with a paper in her hands.

I reread over the document, trying to wrap my head over the information.

Dear Victoria Francesca Hughes,

We are pleased to tell you that you are indeed pregnant. Congratulations! Pregnancy is a tough struggle for many but as they say 'It takes a village to raise a child'. Planned parenthood is here to support you in your journey on being a mother. Babies are a true gift and you should consider it a blessing to have to experience it.

Again, Congratulations.

If you have any questions, please call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx. My email is xxx.xx....

Doria Francis

Head of OBGYN Administration.

I look up at the date of the document and my heart drops out my chest and to the floor. This was a year ago. I am talking junior year. So, Issac knew that Victoria was pregnant a year ago and he didn't tell me. 

"Bay, it's-" A familiar voice that used to make my heart sing and my ears perk up says. I turn around and stare at Issac with tear-filled eyes. 

Why am I so WEAK!

"Seriously! Are you kidding me!" I yell at him and throw the paper at him. "Ser-seriously.." I whisper feeling my heart clench in my chest. I feel like I am going to pass out. It's like my heart is literally ripping in half.

"Bay, you have to listen to me. It's not-" 

A loud screeching comes from the speakers around the school, which indicates that someone is about to make an announcement.

"Victoria. Where have you gone?." A garbled voice asks in a sing-songy voice and then bursts out laughing. 

"Don't worry there will be more. Or you could always turn to your local gossip outlet, TMZ or Talia, Mariana, and Zara for all the gossip and copies. Until tomorrow." The line cuts off and I look back at Issac whose eyes are dark and hold so much sadness. I almost want to hug him and kiss his sadness away.



"Go find your baby mother." I seethe and walk away.

"Bay!" Issac yells and loud footsteps behind me, signal for me to walk faster through the crowd. 

A hand hooks on my arm and pulls me back firmly, but gently.

"Don't walk away Bay. Please. I can't be the father. I-I c-can't" He whispers, almost like he is talking to himself.

"Who else would it be Issac! You were dating her and you obviously banged her. You were just stupid enough to get her pregnant. And stop the whole clueless act! You probably knew. How could you not? You know, I actually thought....just for one minute, I thought-" I cut myself off and walk away from him, knowing my next words would come out as sobs. 

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