Chapter 7

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"And they sat there, literally glaring at me, making snide comments and laughing at me. I almost broke my pencil, but I had to keep my poker face. They are literally not even in my math class. Why would they transfer? To torment me?" I rant and I release a long hard breath.

"Well now I wanna transfer this sounds juicy" Zoe says and burst out laughing. I throw a fry at her face in anger and give her the cold shoulder.

"Oh come on, it is quite funny." Zoe says. I play with my braid i did in my hair while i contemplate how to deal with this situation. It's obvious why they  are doing this.

Because I am friends with Issac Evans.

It is only a matter of time before they actually approach me.

"This isn't good Zo. You know they are doing this because of my friendship with Issac."

"Well aware" she says and sips her juice. 

"What am going to do?"

"Still be his friend. It's not his fault that his ex-girlfriend is a crazy psycho who can't understand 4 simple words: 'I don't want you'. Issac's a good and genuine guy. Don't unfriend him because of his past." 

She's right. Issac is good. And maybe I need that in my life.

"You are right."

"Okay lunch will be over in a few minutes, what are you doing for free period."

"Hide out on the the bleachers at the football stadium and read a book or do homework. No one goes there."

"Okay." The bell rings snapping us out of our little bubble. "See ya later"

"Yeah" I say and begin cleaning up my table and throwing out the trash.

Just as I am about to leave, a fast clinking of heels is heard just right behind me.

Here we go...

I turn around to see Victoria, Cartier, and their groupie Sienna. And right behind those three is TMZ. 

"And what do I owe the pleasure of talking to you today?"

"Cut the sarcasm Bay!" Sienna snaps and my eyes widen and she smirks, but when a snort of laughter escapes me, she glares at me.

"Sorry but that was all just so hilarious. 'Cut the sarcasm Bay!'" I mock and laugh quietly.

Victoria walks up closer to me almost invading my personal space. I cross my arms unwilling to show any signs of weakness.

"OK i will make this very easy? Why are you hanging out with my boyfriend?"

"You had a boyfriend?"

Don't laugh. Don't laugh

Her glare deepens and I even feel the sharp stabs that her daggers called eyes are sending to me.

"Stay away from Issac! He is my boyfriend!"

"Is this whole thing meant to scare me? This whole 'let me bring my posse and confront the target'."

"You just think you are so smart don't you?" Cartier finally speaks up.

"I do. Matter of fact I am smart. The question should be directed to you now" 

"Listen I don't know what hole you crawled out of and now you feel like you can speak up to us bu-" Victoria is cut off when someone behind me speaks up.

" off your dogs. This hostility. Tsk tsk." The person sighs and I look back to see Issac Evans. He looks at me and sends me a quick wink. "It's really showing your ugly side. I can already see wrinkles forming."

The Girl Who Never Smiles | ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें