Chapter 11

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Phew I really thought we were going to do something illegal.

But Mountains.

Issac took me hiking.

"Hiking Issac? Really?"

"Yeah. It's fun"

"I'm not even wearing bug spray and my skin looks really bad when I get bitten. No sunscreen. Issac this is the worst surprise."

"Have some faith in me. I came prepared." He says and gets out the car and opens the trunk and takes out 2 backpacks. He tosses me one and I catch it. The backpack is small and on it says Hydration pack on it. There is a pocket in the bag and in it it a small bottle of sunscreen and bug spray. There is also chocolate bars and granola bars in there for snacks.

I look up at Issac with a bright smile and I run to him and hug him tightly.

"You got me chocolate!"

His deep chuckles vibrate through his chest and to my body and I instantly feel more relaxed and at ease.

"Armani was right. The way to a girls heart really is chocolate." he says and i pull away.

"Oh and by the way that was 12." he says with a grin on his face.

"I'm going to start thinking you counting how many smile is creepy soon."

"So be it. We should start the hike." He says and puts on his pack.


"I can't go anymore!" I yell breathless and lean against a tree trunk.

"Bay we have literally been hiking for 20 minutes. We are almost done"

"You said that 15 minutes ago. My legs hurt. Everything hurts." I complain.

Issac sighs and walks over to me. He turns around so his back is facing me and then crouches down. "Hop on."


"Don't make me change my mind." he threatens and I quickly jump on his back and he uses his hands to position me properly so that when he stands up, i won't fall. He stands up and fixes me properly. He continues walking the trail.

"Am i not heavy? Why aren't you out of breath yet?"

" are as heavy as a feather. You probably weigh like 110 pounds."

"Well when you put it like that, you make it seem like i need to put on weight."

"Bay you are fine. Perfect actually" he says.

I am far from perfect.

Since Issac's hair is right in front of me, i decide why not touch it?

His hair always looked soft and the opportunity is here. I run my fingers through a part of Issac's hair and my prediction was right. It is probably the softest thing I have ever touched. I feel Issac's muscles relax underneath me and I already know what I am doing is calming him.

"So do you hike often?" I ask still running my fingers through hair. I rested my chin on his shoulder.

"Sometimes. Usually only for lacrosse season to get in shape, I would hike."

I scoff. "Get in shape. Aren't you already in shape?"

"Is this a compliment Bay? I'm gonna start thinking you have a crush on me."

I punch his shoulder and he winces in pain.

Serves you right

"So what next adventure are we going on?"

"Well. I am not telling you, but just know you will have fun."

"Mkay." I say and take a sip out of the water tube that the bag has.

"So how long have you been planning this?"

"Since the day you said yes to being my friend and allowed me to make you smile." He says and turns his head to look at me with his deep storms of grey in his eyes.

"Hey, you knew me in middle school and I never smiled then, so why didn't you talk to me then. You waited 7 years. Why?"

He takes a deep breath and bites his bottom lip, another habit he has when he is nervous.

"You intimidated me. You had this constant scowl on your face. You were beautiful. My God. So beautiful. In the beginning of 6th grade, you smiled a lot. This big bright toothy smile that had boys in class covering their boners." My eyes widen in shock and I feel a little disgusted. "Then one day, you just stopped and i swear, I thought the world fell off its axis. It was just so dull. No longer was the captivating smile belonging to Bay the Beautiful. No cute laughs and giggles. It was just...gone. It was silent and it was so suffocating. I didn't know what to say to the girl who lost her smile. I- I guess I was scared."

By time Issac finishes what he is saying, my heart beats have increased and this time, I can't stop it. I can't stop staring at him and replaying his passion-filled words over and over in my head.

I never knew he felt that way.

"Why am I so important? Why is my smile so...i don't know special?"

Issac shakes his head and I look out and realize we are at the top of the mountain. We have a full view over the city, mountains out in the distance, and bodies of water nearby. Issac puts me down and looks at me with this intensity that he has never looked at me with.

"Don't you see it?" Issac says and he looks at me eagerly wanting me to believe something that I just don't get. He takes out his phone and shows me the video of me dancing, obviously tipsy, at the paint party. I am dancing around getting splashed with paint, but a bright smile is on my face. I am dancing around laughing, smiling.

I haven't smiled like that in a long time.

The video ends and Issac pockets his phone and looks at me.

"What do you want me to say Issac?"

"What hurt you Bay? What broke you so badly that the perk to your effervescent personality just disappeared. It's like when that smile disappeared so did you. "

"Issac no one broke me" I grit my teeth.

"I don't believe you." Issac says. "No one who is as beautiful as you just loses their spark so quickly. Something happened that day Bay"

"Can you stop calling me beautiful Issac" I rest my head in the palm of my hands.

"Don't you know how beautiful you are? And when you smile..." Issac says and sighs.

Issac don't let me fall for you. I don't know if I can trust you completely with my heart.

"So what! You are just my friend because of my looks? Why am I surprised?!" I say and get up no longer wanting to be sitting so closed to him. I am probably overreacting, but I am getting too close to him. He is getting close to me.

And I feel attached to him.

"Bay, we both know that's not true!" He says and gets up. I turn around, not wanting to look at him because I am afraid that if I look into his grey eyes, I will fall for Issac Evans.

And if I do that, two things could happen.

He could help me pick up my broken pieces and put me back together


He could shatter me and then there is no bringing back the Bay Stewart with the effervescent and honey-like personality and beautiful smile.

"Don't push me away" Issac whispers in my ear from behind me. He moves a few strand of my hair and tucks it behind my ear. His minty breath sends shivers down my spine making me feel warm all over.

"Issac. I thought you knew by now. It's what I do best." I say feeling myself becoming stone cold as I push away the only golden sun that has entered my life in 7 years.

"And I thought you knew by now that when I want something, I will not stop fighting for it. I will not stop fighting for the real you to come out Bay Stewart. That's a promise."

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