Chapter 21

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I have a feeling today is going to be a good day. I walk into the school building feeling happy. I'm not smiling, but you can sense that I am happy. I am pushing out all thoughts about my parents out my mind and focusing on my happiness.

Issac says happiness is a choice and I need to choose happiness or else all hope is lost for me. I really want to try at least for today. I reach to my locker and open it. I stuff my bag inside and take out my books. A pair of hands covers my eyes and I quickly elbow the person in their stomach and then spin us around so they crash against the locker with my arm pressed against their throat. I look to find Issac with his hands up with an amused smirk on his face.

"Hello to you too beautiful." he says and I release my arm. "When did you learn to do that?"

"I took some classes when I turned 12. People who sneak up on me or attack me...well lets just say they get something worse than what you just got."

"Hmm" He opens his locker and takes out his books and drops in his bag.

"I'm surprised you didn't come to school with those funny little braids in your head." he says referring to my nighttime braids that I put in to protect my natural curly hair. Usually, I would twist and lock them, but I was lazy yesterday. I punch Issac in the arm and he starts laughing.

My braids are not funny. They are little and cute.

"Jerk." I lean against my locker and watch as Issac gets his stuff out for school. Asher emerges from the hallway, but he is talking to Zoe. He has a pleading look on his face like he is desperate.

It's all a damn act. I hope Zoe remembers that.

Zoe ignores him and brushes him off, but I can tell she is hurting and him talking to her isn't helping. Zoe goes on her side of the hallway and Asher walks over to us. I can feel my face contort into a tight grimace as disgust and annoyance fills me.

"Bay, I'm-" Asher says but gets cut off when I quickly charge towards him ready to scratch more at his face.

Oh and the bruises and a few scratches are still on his face. They are kind of covered up, which is of course expected, it's Asher Stevens.

A set of arms wrap around my waist and hold me back and I growl at Issac for holding me back. He only winks at me dissolving any trace of anger in my body.

"I got to go. Are we still on for the big adventure after school?"

"Yeah." He says with a smile on his face.

"OK. Bye." I say and begin to walk off. I zone out for a minute and begin to think about my dad. The one thing I didn't want to think about. Someone hugging me from behind snaps me out my thoughts and I was readying myself to start to defend myself, but the person says..

"Don't fight me.. again." And I already know it's Issac. I close my eyes and for a minute just rest in his warm and safe arms. And in this moment, everything is fine and perfect.

"You forgot my hug."


"You should be grateful. Few get to experience the love of Issac Evans." he says in a matter of fact tone. I turn around and face him and cross my arms over my chest.

"Who are these other few?" I ask very curiously and pushing down feelings of jealousy.

"Is someone jealous?" Issac says and his smirk grows.

"You can't just answer a question with a question." I say


"Issa-" I warn but am cut off when a rough shoulder is bumped into me making me stumble and nearly fall with my two left feet. If it weren't for Issac's fast reflexes, I would've fell. I look to my right to see Victoria looking at me giving me a death glare, but a hint of a smirk is on her lips.

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