Chapter Three: Girl Meets Getting Called Out.

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Maya's POV:

As I wondered the halls with a silent Zay by my side, I couldn't help pondering the conversation I had with Farkle almost twenty-four hours ago. When we were both outside in the middle of the school yard yesterday, he thought that then was a good time to confront me about my so called feeling for Lucas. The fact that Farkle still believes I am secretly longing for my best friend's boyfriend is so ridiculous to me, I'd never continue to do something like that, especially not for this long. I'd stopped myself from feeling the way I did for awhile now.

"Maya wait up!" I can hear his familiar voice call out to me from the end of the corridor, however I just continue on my way completely ignoring him.

"I think Farkle just called you." Zay points out next to me but all I do is shrug my shoulders brushing it off. 

"Are you guys fighting or something?" He questions as he looks at me with a somewhat worrisome express appearing on his face. 

"No. Why would you think that?" I ask him.

"Well you are ignoring him and yesterday you walk off when he dragged you away." He informs and I never thought how that whole scene may have looked like Riley, Lucas and Zay.

"That was nothing for you to worry about." 

"What happen-" Zay starts to asks but Farkle cuts him off.

"Didn't you hear me calling?" He says almost like he's out of breath.

Did he run all the way here?

"Yes." My glare towards Farkle is cold and I am sure I am not hiding the fact that I don't want to be speaking to him right now.

"Not fighting my ass." I hear Zay mumble under his breath but I decide to ignore it.

It's not that I am angry at Farkle, I'm just upset that I am always reminded how I once felt for Lucas and how that I knew that he didn't feel as strongly for me. Yes, I was the one who told him to choose Riley over me but it's the simple fact that he didn't even hesitate to pick her over me, like he didn't even need to give it a second thought before he went over to Riley and made her his girlfriend.

Even though I knew what I was doing, I didn't think about how my friendship with Lucas would change so dramatically. I thought he'd always be the cowboy that I would be able to lean on, the one who will always consistently support me. Like when our art class was being threatened, he didn't even need to think twice before encouraging me to do something to stop it, then he told me for the first time that I was a great artist.

That's the Huckleberry that I miss the most. Not the one I only say hi, bye and only talk to when we are in our group. 

I miss my friend.

"Maya?" I look over at Farkle as he interrupts my thoughts. I do my best to push them away and come back to reality.

"Can I speak with you now about yesterday?" Instantly, I look to see if Zay was still standing beside me but he isn't.

"I told him that I needed to talk to you alone." He says knowing that I was curious as to where he was, especially since Farkle was going to bring up our conversation from yesterday.

"Farkle, I just want to make it clear that I'm not mad at you. I just don't like talking about this and it's not because I still have feelings for Lucas." I quickly explain myself, hoping to end this conversation sooner rather than later.

"Then why does it bother you so much?"  His confusion is really irritating me. I can feel my blood start to boil over his obvious and extremely stupid question.

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