Chapter Twenty Four: Girl Meets A Kiss.

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Maya's POV:

"Isn't it just beautiful out?" I exclaim joyously.

"If by beautiful you mean freezing then yeah I guess so." Lucas rolls his eyes at me as he wraps himself in his arms to gain warmth.

It's currently Christmas and Lucas and I are out on a stroll around the city. We both made a pact to spend Christmas night together, especially after he found out my mom would be working this evening.

Even thought she's at work, we did have a lovely morning together. We opened our gifts, made hot chocolate and watched holiday films. It was almost as if we were a normal family...

Lucas came not too long after my mom left for work and he surprised me with dinner. He went to the only pizza shop opened on Christmas and bought me my favourite one.

I can never get over how sweet Lucas truly is.

After stuffing our faces, I had the bright idea to go out for a walk since the city got covered with a blanket of snow this morning. I knew it would be beautiful in the evening time.

"Don't be a baby. We're almost back at the apartment." I say but Lucas still has the same pout on his lips he did when he left.

"Come over here and keep me warm Shortstack." Huckleberry doesn't even let me respond before he throws his arm over my shoulders and brings me into his side.

I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him tightly.

"Is that better?"

"Not really. I just wanted an excuse to hold you." My eyes widen at his words and a smile falls onto my lips.

I look up at Lucas only to see his signature smirk. I'm almost happy it's so cold outside, because if not you'd be able to see how much that phrase made me blush.

Lucas has been very cheeky ever since Zay came over yesterday. I don't understand what really changed but I'm not gonna complain about it.

I really like how Huckleberry and I are progressing. It's as if were stuck in a phase where we aren't exactly together and neither of us has confessed how we feel for each other. But it's still secretly known.

As much as I would like to take that next step with him, I honestly don't know if he's ready for what's to come with it. I'm not even entirely sure if I'm ready for that either.

Apart of me feels like we're trapped in our own little world. We haven't faced any of the issues we would have to deal with if we made what's going on between us official.

We turn the coroner of the street where my building is. Lucas is still holding on to me and I him.

"You wanna watch a movie when we get back?" I ask thinking of how good it looks to be cuddled up on my couch watching some movie with him.

"Yeah that's sound cool-" Lucas suddenly stops in his tracks.

He doesn't say anything. He stands still and completely frozen with his eyes glued on something in front of him.

I look up to see what has Huckleberry's attention. And I can honestly say I didn't expect this.

Riley is standing outside of our apartment building facing us.

But she isn't alone...

Some guy is standing in front of her, shielding her view of us. Her hands are resting on his shoulders as she smiles up at him. His arms are wrapped around her waist.

"This can't be happening..." I say as I see Riley to give the stranger a kiss.

I guess Riley is moving on...

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