Chapter Nineteen: Girl Meets Being Stuck In the Middle.

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Maya's POV:

I am at a complete loss for words.

This can't be actually happening right?

It has to be some sick and twisted game, because this is the absolute last thing I need to be dealing with right now.

I almost unable to meet Josh's intense glare but I know I can't stay staring at the floor for the entirety of this more than awkward silence. I instantly regret my decision. Josh looks at me with such anger and disappointment, I'd be lying if I say it didn't hurt that I made him feel such a way.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Josh's eyes move over to Huckleberry and I've never seen him so angry before. Knowing better than to leave his focus on Lucas, I take a step toward Josh blocking his view of him.

"This isn't what you think. Please just let me explain-" I reach my arm out to touch his but he pulls away and goes on to interrupt me.

"No Maya. I'm not going to let him hurt you the same way he did Riley." Josh says and I can see how concern he really is for me.

"Can't you see that he's manipulating you like he did to her?" I can see the anger rising behind his eyes. His chest is puffing in and out with aggression and his nostrils are flared.

"Josh there's so much you don't know." I try to tell him in a calming voice.

"I know that he brainwashed Riley into blaming their breakup on you." Josh explains and I can't help but be at a complete loss.


"W-what do you mean by that?"

"She honestly believes you slept with Lucas and you're the mastermind behind their breakup. She believes you never stopped liking him. I know you better than that Maya. Lucas has her so fucked up she doesn't know what to think anymore." I stand there completely silent and take in the words that just left his lips.

I can't believe Riley truly believes that about me. But what's more surprising is that Josh doesn't. Even though he is placing the blame on Huckleberry, he still knows me and knows what I'm capable of doing. Josh is here defending me in a way that I've never been used to before. At least with someone who isn't Lucas. I'd be lying if I said this action didn't warm up my heart in the slightest.

"Josh everything has an explanation. Lucas isn't the bad guy here and I'm not being manipulated." I can feel Lucas' eyes burning a hole at my back as I take a few steps closer to Josh. I really do appreciate his silence and him letting me defuse the situation.

"Then why the fuck did all of this happen? Why the hell was Lucas fighting that guy? Riley said it was because of you. So please Maya clear this up for me." His eyes are staring down at me in a pleading matter as his hand reaches out to hold mine.

My heart instantly drops at his words.

He wants to know why Lucas was fighting.

He wants to know what happened Thursday night.

Almost immediately I take a step back away from Josh. I can't be under his fierce gaze only to disappoint him. I have no doubt within myself that I know I'm not ready to speak of this to Josh. A part of me knows once I say these words out loud, it's only going to become common knowledge and I'm not ready for that.

No matter how selfish that sounds.

"Um I-I can't-"

"It doesn't matter what happened. That guy was being a dick and he got what was coming to him." Lucas voices out for the first time since Josh has entered the room. He walks up closer to the both of us and takes a protective stance in front me.

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