Chapter Seven: Girl Meets A Different Side To Lucas.

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Maya's POV:

My eyes are staring widely at my four closest friends in the world not having the slightest idea what to say. I hold the drink in my hand so tightly that I fear I may damage the red plastic solo cup.

How the hell am I suppose to get out of this one?

"Riley? What are you doing?" Josh asks her only now realizing that she is at a college party.

"Hi uncle Josh." She smiles and waves at him sheepishly.

"Wait... You all know each other?" Nick and Drew questions at the same time, looking at Josh, Lucas and me for an answer. However I don't say anything, I don't dare to meet anyone's gaze as I take it upon myself to walk away from this unwanted situation.

I am faintly able to hear the shouts of my name being called over the music but I don't dare to look back. Somehow it seems as though everything is moving past me so fast that I can't keep up anymore. My head is spinning and I think the best thing for me is too go somewhere quieter and calmer where I can gather my thoughts.

I can still hear the faint voices calling my name as I head up the stairs and push past the crowd of people. I know someone must be following behind me but I don't care, I can't face anyone right now. I push open the first door I see and luckily for me, it's an empty bedroom. I go and sit on the full sized bed in the middle of this simple average room and my head falls into my hands not being able to comprehend what had happened only five minutes ago.

How can this actually be happening right now?

Blame it on that on the beer I drank but a large part of me is just hoping that this is some nightmare I need to wake up from.

I know that there is no coming back from this. No matter how hard I try nothing can ever go back to how it was before and at this moment I am not ready for that  realization. I can't even attempt to ponder how much of a horrific impact this night will have on the days to come.  Right now I have two options, I can do what I've been doing for a while now and lie my way out of this or I can finally tell the truth, but I don't think they or I are ready to hear that.

This is too much for me to think about right now.

I am interrupted from my thoughts by someone opening the bedroom urgently. I look up and to my surprise I see Drew.  The look on his face seems to be unreadable as just stands in the door silent. He starts to make his way towards me, closing the door behind him and drowning out all the shouting and music from the party. Drew comes and takes a seat beside me on the bed however, he doesn't meet my eyes.

"I think I know what's going on Maya." Slightly confused by his words, I decide to stay quiet and let him continue before I say anything.

"You're living in two different worlds. Why? I have no idea but given from your reaction, I know you want to keep them separate." I look at him weirdly wondering how Drew was so on point with what he just said.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do..." I mumble silently.

"All I can say is nothing is gonna get better staying in this room." I sigh defeatedly knowing that he is completely right.

As of right now I have no game plan going on in my head. My mind is blank when it comes to how I should address this messy situation, yet I find myself following Drew down the stairs and back to some of the most important people in my life right now.

My stomach is literally in knots as I follow behind Drew walking down the stairs. All the possible scenarios seem to run through my mind as I can only seem to come up with one bad ending after another.

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