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Trigger warning


Schools finally ended and Miles came to pick me up, with Chris in the passenger seat, "Hey Dusty, you all good?" Chris asked, looking back at me, as I carefully, got in the backseat.

"Yeah I just fell today" I said, shutting my door

What sucks is that, Miles knows when I'm lying. I always squint my eyes and  tilt my head to the left side. Miles looks back at me and gives me a worried look. I just ignored it and pull out my headphones. I put them into my iPhone 6 and play voices by motionless in white.

I rest my elbow on the door, with my hand holding my head. I watch as normal kids walk back to their normal families. Back to their biological parents. Back to their non-famous parents. I just wish I had a normal life without everything that is in my head. Just a normal happy, no anxiety, no depression, life.

We pull up to the house and I pause, world class fuck ups by new medicine. I get out and head straight up to my room. "Dusty!" Miles asked, knocking on my door,

"Leave me alone, Miles." I said, bluntly.

"Dusty, I understand that Remington didn't hurt you. But what happened?" He asked, getting closer to my door.

"None of your business, just leave me the fuck alone." I answered, snapping at him.

Miles walks away and I lay back on my bed. But as I get comfortable, I hear something hit my window. I get up and see Remington down in my backyard. I opened my window, "Remington, you're going to get caught." I said down to him.

"Yeah but I need to ask you a very important question." Remington told me.

I threw down my makeshift ladder and Remington came up, "what?" I asked, shutting my window.

"So since there is a dance next week, would you like to go with me?" Remington answered.

"But you don't even go to my school." I said,

"Yeah I do, my mom is transferring us."

I sighed, "Remington you know the thing between our families. And I never told you anything of the sort that was about liking you." I said sitting ack on my bed.

"Dusty, please" Remington begged.

"Remington, just go" I said.

Remington walked away and went back down the ladder. I locked my door and grabbed my little red box. Inside was my old suicide note, a flower that my dad gave me, my first note from ash, and then my old blades. I grabbed my blades and walked to my bathroom.

I haven't done this in about two years. But now it's time again. I always break promises, and this is one of my biggest promises. Hopefully, Remington doesn't worry too much about me.


As I walked away from her house, I feel in my gut that something is wrong. I run back to her house and go through the front door, which was stupid. Miles stops me, "Why are you here?" He asked me.

"Have you ever once questioned the running water up her room?" I asked.

Miles looks at me and then we ran up to her room, "DUSTY!!" I screamed.

No answer, I pulled out my wallet and pulled out a card. I slid it and got the door to unlock. Dusty was there, standing in front of the sink, with new cuts on her wrists. Miles started to go, but I stopped him. "Dusty, Ma Chèrie, please come to me." I begged.

Dusty turned around and ran straight into my arms. "Dusty, please don't ever do that again." I said, resting my chin on her head.

"Dusty..." Miles trailed.

"Don't Mi' dusty choked.

Miles walked out and I held her tightly. "Shhh, it's okay baby girl. I'll take you to a special please that I always go to when I feel like shit." I told her, with my arm around her.

We walked downstiars and she walked with me to my safe haven. It was the old school that used to be dusty's old school, "Why are we back at this shit hole?" Dusty asked.

"Because I have a mural that I'm working on, and I feel like you should see it." I answered, stepping under the board covering the entrance.

I made a gesture with my finger to make her follow. Tonight will be the night that I tell her everything.


So turns out I have a family member that is in the hospital with meningitis and I'm scared. So heads up for some depressing alternative quality content.

Also I'll try to draw the mural that Remmy is talking about.

"It always comes back to the coconuts"

-pure boi 🐼

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