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The next day was, thankfully, Saturday. I was allowed to stay home and enjoy some Disney movies. I will be on my couch for the next twenty four house that there are. As I am watching mulan, there was a knock at the door.

I sighed and put the recliner, of the couch, down. I got up and answered the door. In my mind I was hoping that it wouldn't be Remington. But when I opened it, my hope vanished. "Dusty, would you like to come with me and my brothers?" He asked, his arms folded behind his back.

"And do what?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Just hang out and go to the boardwalk." Remington answered.

I could feel his eyes running over my black craft cult booty shorts and my x-large daddys little monster shirt, with my sword tattoo peeking put on my thigh, "all time low?" Remington asked, pointing to my tattoo.

"Yeah, missing you" I answered.

"I love it, it looks beautiful on you."

"Thank you" I bowed the slightest.

"So do you wanna come?"

"Sure, um, let me get dressed first."

I ran upstiars and grabbed my ripped skinny jeans, an all time low shirt, a pair of converse, and then my rose jean jacket. Once I got dressed, I put up my hair and then went downstairs, "Okay now I'm ready" I said grabbing my phone.

Remington and I walked out to his car. His brothers, Sebastian and Emerson, were both in the backseat with Luna in the middle. I got in the passenger seat and Remington got in the drivers.

We got to the boardwalk and everybody went their ways. Remington and I rolled up the ends of our skinny jeans, and took our shoes off, and walked where the water met the sand. "I'm glad you decided to come. I wanted to get to know you better." Remington said smiling to himself.

"There's really nothing interesting about me. I don't like talking about myself." I said quietly.

"There has to be something about yourself that you like. Like what do you do in the summer, that isn't warped tour?" Remington asked.

"Um, Chris invites us to his house and then we head to the lake." I answered, picking up sand with my toes.

"That's cool, do you also go boating?"

"Um, Chris keeps my kayak at his lake house. So I guess I go boating. Then after we get off the lake, we head over to the madden brothers place and have a huge bonfire."

I started to smile at my old memories, with me and Benji, and how we would always start the fire. But as the sun beamed, the rays hit my wrists and my scars burned. I put my hand over my other arm to cover them, "Do you want something to cover them?" Remington asked, looking down at me.

I looked up at him, "yeah..." I trailed.

Remington and I stopped, our feet sinking in the sand. Remington took off his, bleached, nirvana shirt. He handed it to me and I put it over my arm. Remington grabbed mine and his shoes, just to be the flirt that he is.

(An: I swear he is a God damn flirt with whoever he is dating... I know it's Monica and she's amazing)

I smiled and Remington put our shoes in his left hand. He grabbed my left hand, intertwining our fingers together. Remington started to swing our arms back and forth. "I like your hands, they're very small." Remington said, with a bright smile.

"I am a very small human being." I agreed, smiling back at him.

"That's what I've been wanting to see for so long." Remington said softly.


"Your smile."

My face started to heat up, and I could tell that i was blushing. I looked down at my feet to hide my cherry red face. "You wanna have a movie night tonight?" Remington asked.

"Um, Remington..."

"I know about the feud, but Luna can help us."

I looked up at Emerson and Luna. They were chasing each other, like any couple would.

"Okay, what movie would it be?" I asked, turning my gaze back to Remington.

"Your choice" Remington answered.

"Mulan, no argument" I pointed a stern finger at him.

"Okay, you are le boss."

"Did you literally just say "the" in French?"

Remington nodded and had a smile from cheek to cheek, "you're weird" I told him.

"AND I'M PROUD" Remington screamed.

I blushed into his chest and Remington kissed my head.


So it's been a while, sorry so I found out that I am not going to see the boys Nov 21 because of fucking thanksgiving, I honestly don't care because my family doesn't talk to me and they don't want to hear anything about my bands. I even have a horse to give to emmy for his birthday. UGH

-Sarah 👌

Imagine If We Were Angels// Remington Leith Where stories live. Discover now