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*skip to homecoming*

Tonight is homecoming, and that means my mom and brothers are going to be at the game. They always go, but this year, they want one homecoming win, and that's me. They want me to come home. All us cheerleaders are at Derek's, getting ready for the game. We curled our hair, put half uncurled and put that into a half up half down bun. The we did black eyeliner with sparkly red eyeshadow. Then we added glitter to the outside corners of our eyes in small little stars. I loved how we had black  and red for our colors.

As we finished, Derek came down and looked at all of us. "You look so beautiful girls, I'm excited to see what cheers you're gonna do." Derek said, putting his beanie and jacket on.

He adjusted his glasses and then grabbed his phone. "Are you heading out to go to the tailgate?" I asked, turning to him.

"Yeah, I'll see you at the game." Derek said, leaning over the back of the couch to kiss me.

I went up and kissed him back. Then he got his keys and headed out. "Y'all are cute." Ronnie said.

I shrugged my shoulders up to my ears and smiled from cheek to cheek, with my eyes closed.


We went to the school and went out to the track. I set my bags down and then went to go get my box. Before I reached the shed, arms wrapped around me and a kiss was planted on my head. "Hello Angel" Derek said.

"I though that you were gonna get food." I said, turning my head to him.

"I did, and once I finished, I came out here and got a spot. Also," Derek turned me to face the opening of the concession stands, "Tyler, Evan, Ryan, and Tony are here." Derek said, as I see all of his band members.

Derek let me go and I ran to the boys. I gave them all hugs and then we did a hug group hug. "Have fun tonight!" Tyler said as I let them go and grab my box.

I pull my box out and have a trouble trying to pick it up. "Dusty, Dusty, wait. You're having trouble, let me help you." I heard Remington say to me.

I paused and saw Remington coming over to me, "No Remington, I got it. I don't need your help." I said, trying to pick up my box.

But in trying to pick up my box, I couldn't. Remington already took the action and grabbed my box. He took it out there and placed it next to Ronnie's. Then he walked away.

I went out and sat on my bunk, "So Remington helped you out, why?" Luna asked, coming to sit by me.

"I told him not to, but he didn't listen." I answered.

"Derek had his eyes on him the whole time." Luna told me.

"Yeah-" I was interrupted by a familiar song, playing over the speakers.

It was slow burn and I look up at Derek. He had a bright smile in his face, and once the chorus it, I was head banging. I looked back up at Derek and he was laughing his head off. So was the band.

Once the song was done, church by chase altantic came on. I love this song and started to do body rolls, basically be a version of the backstreet boys. Derek smiled, I still wonder why he loves me.


After the game, Remington came up to me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from all the people. "Remington let me go!" I yelled.

"No Dusty! You need to see that Derek isn't the right one for you!" Remington yelled at me.

"DEREK!" I screamed.

Derek came running and so did the rest of State Champs. Tyler and Evan got Remington to let go of me, and Derek went after him. But Remington was the one who started the fight. He pushed Derek and then punched him straight into his nose. Tyler held me in his arms, shielding me from the fight between the one I love and the one I loved.

"BOYS!" We heard someone scream.

Remington and Derek looked at the person and saw the principal. I looked up from Tyler's chest, and then diverted my gaze to Derek. "In my office, now!" Mr. Nash yelled at them.

(No relation to Garrett Nash- or Gnash)

Derek and Remington walked with Mr. Nash to his office, and Tyler gave me a piggy back ride to Derek's car. "Dusty, have you been eating? You're like super light." Tyler asked.

I was took tired to answer him. "Dusty?" Tyler asked.

I lifted my head off his back and I nodded to his question. Tyler let me down and I stumbled a bit. But then I lost my balance, Tyler caught me and helped me into the front passenger seat. I laid my head against the door, and Tyler drove to the front doors of the school. We waited for Derek, but I just fell asleep.


"Wait! She fainted!"

"Yeah, I asked her if she was eating and she nodded yes."

"Where is she?"

"Front seat"

The door opens and light from the parking lot comes through the door. I open my eyes and see Derek, "Dusty, are you okay?" Derek had panic in his voice.

My eyes squint and I see Derek, I wrap my arms around him and cried into Derek's chest. "Baby, what is wrong?" He asked, rubbing circles into my back.

I cried even more, "Tyler you can head home with Evan, I need to be alone with her for a while." Derek told Tyler, while I slept quietly.

Tyler and Derek said goodbye and then Derek got in the front seat. Derek smiled at me as the car lights, inside, stayed on. I looked away from him and looked at my feet. He sighed and started the car.


We got home and I opened the door and stepped out. As I shut the car door, I lose my balance and fall on my knees. "Dusty!" Derek yelled and ran over to me.

He helped me up and then I fell again, but he caught me before I hit the ground. Derek helped me into the house and took me up to our room. I laid down on the bed and started to fall asleep. 

I felt horrible and I don't know in what way, shape, or form.


Imagine If We Were Angels// Remington Leith Where stories live. Discover now